time to face facts i guess....

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ArboristSite Operative
Mar 12, 2005
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kingsport , TN
the o41 had a clutch grenade today. this thing has a ton of torque, but i love the rpm the newer stihls have. all i use my saws for is general cleanup and firewood for me, about 5 cords per year. i am pretty partial to the stihl brand so here is the question. what saw , of the new series is light, fun to run (example: doesnt need a kickstand or seat), and can pull a 20 inch bar with some authority. most of the trees we take down are 30 inches through or less. i know you have had this question a thousand times, but i feel i just need a lighter more modern saw, maybe restore the 041 and just get it out for special cuts or something. oh yeah , all the wood i cut is red oak. thanks and please excuse the repeat of a beat to death question. thanks
361 or 440. In these parts most run a 24" on the 440, but up North they are very popular with 20" bars.

Depends on your budget and weight preference, the 361 will work well but the 440 is substantially stronger for very little additional weight.
The 361 runs faster RPMs than your 041, and has much better throttle response, so in those ways it would be more fun to run, but you might be disappointed in the power when your cutting the bigger wood. I would think the 041 might win that race.
The 044 will give you more of everything over the 041.
The 046 is even nicer, but you might need the seat and kickstand, I dunno. If I'm walking up to a 30" log, I'd rather have a 460 in my hands. If I have a 361, I might be thinking about how I can drag it out whole and sell it off as a saw log.
I've got a 361 and 440. I run a 20" bar on both.

The 440 has more grunt, but the 361 is easier to run...a bit lighter and a few less vibes. 5 cords isn't really all that much to put up per year. Maybe use the average size of wood to be sawed to help make the decision. Up to 24", the 361 should handle it easily. Above that, the 440 would be better.

Aw, what the he!!. If you got the extra $125 (or so), get the 440. Extra power makes for wider grins!!

I would go with the ms 440 if you can afford it I have both the ms 440 and the ms 361. If I was to cut 30 inch red oak all the time I would opt for the 440. They are both good saws and can get the job done. Also have to factor in if the weight issue would be a problem. I don't really have a problem with either one but the 066 is a bit heavy for a full day worth of work.
have used my uncles 066

weight is really not a problem, i am 6ft 4. and weigh in at about 245. but as stated above really wouldnt want to carry it all day. am leaning slightly toward the 361, but hate to be power hungry. the 044s are for sale everywhere. is that the same as the 440. they all looks so good. will probably have to be used around tax time. love to have a new saw but most of the dealers around here are hardcore. hard to even order parts at the two local ones.
The 044 model is a older model of the ms 440 it does not have the decompression valve and some other misc things. I think the ms 361 should be fine for what you are going to do. I Suggest you get the dual port muffler for the saw the stock muffler is way to constrictive and does not let it run that well out of the box.
Get a second saw and lean toward big. You might want to play with some milling at some point. I have not heard a suggestion worthy of it. But this is not making things any lighter right?

Hey, if the clutch took a dirt nap and yur in there working on it anyway... perhaps you could fit it up with an 8 tooth sprocket and semi-skip chain. This would definately speed up your saw and semi or full skip would be forgiving. A few cutters doesn't weigh much less... the sprocket might have sent me backwards a bit. Ah, only half fill the gas tank and oil :blob2:

Now, if you could get your hands on an 041... that's a handy saw.
badcars2, I was in your shoes, not that long ago. I too mostly cut for firewood, so I find myself not having to carry the saw all day. Stihls hold their value so well, that no matter which one you go with, you can always get damn near what you paid for it, when it's time to sell, (ie. Ebay). You are big enough to handle a bigger saw, and I wouldn't recommend going to a smaller saw than what you have now. I went with a 460, it's only .4 of a pound more than the 440 (ignore what Sthil says, this is on a digital scale side by side) and I couldn't be happier! What's that old saying? There's no replacement for displacement!;)
I hate to disagree with the muffler-mod pundits on AS (and there sure seems like a lot of them), but the 361 runs just fine out of the box (after a few tanks of gas). Sure the muffler is restricted (welcome to 2004) and sure you can get a more out of it, but it will cut real nice as-is. Just use it, get past the warranty period (12 months if you're a "home user"), then mess with the muffler if you really think it needs a few % more power and lots more noise.

Some people buy new cars and mod the **&^ out of them, but most just drive them... Back to the saws, I might mod my 361 sometime if I'm bored, but for most of what I cut it's a great saw. Just how much quicker do you want to get your 5 cords a year finished? :)
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DanManofStihl said:
The 044 model is a older model of the ms 440 it does not have the decompression valve and some other misc things. ......
There was a power upgrade on the 044 a couple of years before it became the 440, so all 044s is not the same.
I think the upgrade was in about 1999/2000, and I think it went from 3.8 to 4.0 kW.
As I recall the 046 went from 4.1 to 4.4 kW at the same time.
SawTroll said:
There was a power upgrade on the 044 a couple of years before it became the 440, so all 044s is not the same.
I think the upgrade was in about 1999/2000, and I think it went from 3.8 to 4.0 kW.
As I recall the 046 went from 4.1 to 4.4 kW at the same time.

Yeah, it was a porting thing, along with a different air filter base plate. And at some point in time, they got larger wrist pins as well.

SawTroll, weren't we recently just talking about this very thing...

Oh yeah, about the original thread. Either the 440 or 361 would do you fine for firewood use. But for as big a fella you are the 440 might not be a bad idea. It is more saw than the 361. If you do get the 440 get the dual port muffler cover. It's a factory/warrantee friendly bolt on, $30 upgrade. P/N is 1128 140 0801. There is no dual port available for the 361. Do as Lakeside says, should you get the 361.

fishhuntcutwood said:
..... SawTroll, weren't we recently just talking about this very thing...
Yes we were, but I do not remember if it was on this forum.

My European 361 is a strong runner even though the muffler is not modified, but if most of my trees were in the 30" class I sure would have wanted a bigger saw.
A 660/361 combo would have been nice.......:blob2: :blob2:
.....but probably not nesassary for 5 cords a year.
badcars2 said:
i feel i just need a lighter more modern saw, maybe restore the 041 and just get it out for special cuts or something

Uh, guys, it sounds like badcars2 may have the need for a larger saw covered.