You will get the 2x1 x 2x1 =4x1 pull on the support without friction on either line, with a pulley in the crotch and closed angle of lines; we can assume the first 2x1; but the 2nd multiplier we can beat part of, by spreading the weight to supports just as high or higher; or with friction. Anything, that is done, to increase the friction on the upper support, reduces the 2nd 2x1; even just wrapping the line under, for and across; induces more friction, which immediately reduces the 2nd multiplier; bringing you back down close to 2x1. Some of the strategies pretty simple, just watching how you lace line; not much reason not to do to practice seeing / increasing SWL etc.
Tracing the line back down the top of the support, can increase friction; and have the pulley support line exit at a point of lower leverage of pull on the support to boot! Sometimes we put a round turn in 60' up with throw line, with a carabiner and line for remote relese (and setting) of the round turn, to raise friction on support, for about only 2/1 pull on support (because of the pulley).
If ever the pulley is coming down slow/harder on dis-assembly of rig, anchor one end of line thru pulley to ground, and pull the other for ~2x1 aid in removal of the pulley. As always, the wider the angle made in the line petween you pulling and the anchoring, the less of the 2x1 Mechanical Advantage you will get for drawing the pulley down.
Another trick is instead of pulling a limb down, forcing stronger hinge with throwline looped over target limb and you pulling with both legs of line; spin throwbag end of line around anchor quickly 4 + times, and make line with weight cross/ lock itself against pulling up. Then just pull other end, for 2x1 - friction on branch. Pull more hangers down easier, make hinges stronger, just from the same pattern of laced line. A quick groundie with throwline can help force hinge 40' up, quickly, with real leverage depending on distance to hinge. If testing/setting a life or rigging line, might do same; to test/set better, anchor one side of line, jump on / impact the other end.
Patterns of leverage rule! Sometimes for ya, sometimes against ya! i try to minimize those that stand against me, and maximize those that stand for, especially in things that have all the rest of the advantages!
Orrrr something like that!