Tired of paying for two 30' palms to be trimmed. Want to do them myself

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New Member
Nov 28, 2012
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I have two 30' palms with the skin on. I would like to stop paying to have them trimmed and trim them myself. I have the cutting tools and saws. My question is how can I climb the trees without having to spend a grip of money? I'm not going pro, LOL! just the basics, thanks.
Sounds scary. I dunno. I guess you could do it then again I guess you could end in body cast. Palms are pretty dam dangerous especially if you don't know about it. I am not going to help you do it, I really can't, its against ethics, I could be sued. I am sure you have seen guys in the jungle running up them with a machete and in bare feet but even they started with " Wax on, Wax off". There is a very good reason why there are companies who charge to trim trees.
Thanks Treemandan,

I'm in the mining industry and have good working knowledge of danger. I have ropes and have all the five point harness and safety lanyards which I intend to use. I’m fully aware of the risk involved. I have considered using a scissor lift but the terrain will not allow access. I have also considered using a boom lift but again terrain is an issue. I appreciate your honesty and your disclaimer. I hold know one responsible for my actions. So, if you have any suggestions i.e.: types of knots, technique, setup, do’s and don’ts other then handing my wallet over to someone and them not even wanting to use lube, I would most definitely appreciate it.

Thanks Treemandan,

I'm in the mining industry and have good working knowledge of danger. I have ropes and have all the five point harness and safety lanyards which I intend to use. I’m fully aware of the risk involved. I have considered using a scissor lift but the terrain will not allow access. I have also considered using a boom lift but again terrain is an issue. I appreciate your honesty and your disclaimer. I hold know one responsible for my actions. So, if you have any suggestions i.e.: types of knots, technique, setup, do’s and don’ts other then handing my wallet over to someone and them not even wanting to use lube, I would most definitely appreciate it.


Let's see if I have this right. You're asking professional tree people, who make their living trimming trees, for advice on how to do something yourself so you won't have to pay a professional?

Do you ask Doctors for free medical advice?

I wouldn't blame the pro tree people here for ignoring you entirely.
Let's see if I have this right. You're asking professional tree people, who make their living trimming trees, for advice on how to do something yourself so you won't have to pay a professional?

Do you ask Doctors for free medical advice?

I wouldn't blame the pro tree people here for ignoring you entirely.

I'm betting it's the same dude who showed up yesterday trying to market his pole saw thingamajig for trimming palms. Just a thought...
Let's see if I have this right. You're asking professional tree people, who make their living trimming trees, for advice on how to do something yourself so you won't have to pay a professional?

Do you ask Doctors for free medical advice?

I wouldn't blame the pro tree people here for ignoring you entirely.

Oh yeah, boo yah, hoo rah! You nailed it!
Thanks Treemandan,

I'm in the mining industry and have good working knowledge of danger. I have ropes and have all the five point harness and safety lanyards which I intend to use. I’m fully aware of the risk involved. I have considered using a scissor lift but the terrain will not allow access. I have also considered using a boom lift but again terrain is an issue. I appreciate your honesty and your disclaimer. I hold know one responsible for my actions. So, if you have any suggestions i.e.: types of knots, technique, setup, do’s and don’ts other then handing my wallet over to someone and them not even wanting to use lube, I would most definitely appreciate it.


I don't like to go in dry either but most people don't realize the cost of the jelly.

From the way it sounds your trees have been pruned a few times allready and they are about ready to open up a can of death to the unsuspecting and unprepared. More than likely we are just as grisley as the next miner but if this was something we thought you could do then we would tell you how to do it. you are gonna spend on the stuff that is required to do it safely now if you will excuse me I am gonna get my pick-axe and go get me some uranium.:msp_rolleyes:
I am from the hills, so I know nothing of palms. I can't imagine they have much of a root system, what is the probability of one toppling over with a 200 pound man swinging away with a saw 30' up?

I guess the mining must not be so good if he can't afford to get them trimmed.
You don't see too many palms uprooted, hard to believe if you see how small the root system is.
And we always hear how cheap people trim palms for and this guy wants to buy gear to do it hisself? For what the gear would cost , you should be able to pay for trimming 2- 30' palms for a few years?
It looks like your specialty is mining, I wouldn't dare do it, it doesn't even sound fun, but I bet you get paid well for your time, so let the tree guy pay his bills too.
Just Saying.

Don't mess with the rotation!
Don't listen to these guys. Just get yourself a ladder and you can do it easily with a saw which you probably already have. I used to work in mining too, climbing trees is a cakewalk compared with going underground.

I have two 30' palms with the skin on. I would like to stop paying to have them trimmed and trim them myself. I have the cutting tools and saws. My question is how can I climb the trees without having to spend a grip of money? I'm not going pro, LOL! just the basics, thanks.

Looks like you're not getting any helpful information on this post. This happens frequently on this site. Don't get discouraged. I suggest posting a couple good photos with a description of exactly what you plan to accomplish. You'll probably get some better feedback. What a lot of people on this site don't understand, is that you will probably do it regardless. So give some details and at least a good snapshot of the job.
Hi, I do tree work, so I have a good working knowledge of danger, but I'm tired of paying someone to mine coal for me. Can byanyone give me a few pointers online on how to use dynamite safely?

Dynamite is easy compared to tree work. Like firecrackers, except it has a bigger bang, and it'll give you a headache.
Looks like you're not getting any helpful information on this post. This happens frequently on this site. Don't get discouraged. I suggest posting a couple good photos with a description of exactly what you plan to accomplish. You'll probably get some better feedback. What a lot of people on this site don't understand, is that you will probably do it regardless. So give some details and at least a good snapshot of the job.

What you don't understand is there are questions that should be asked and some some that take the balls large enough to make a elephant look like a stud ! I mean maybe you'll understand the site and its inhabitants better when you can differentiate between the two LOL
I am from the hills, so I know nothing of palms. I can't imagine they have much of a root system, what is the probability of one toppling over with a 200 pound man swinging away with a saw 30' up?

Same here, we don't have many palms out here. I've heard stories about them though where guys got pinned to the trunk and smothered to death by dead fronds.

It seems they break loose when dead, but they're grown together around the trunk like a skirt, and they can weigh four or five hundred pounds. That's a lot of weight coming down on top of your head. Not likely you'd be able to push it off seeing as how it's grown together around the trunk.

I think the only safe way to work a palm like that is from a bucket, or maybe do the dynamite thing.

I don't believe there's much danger of one falling over with you in it though, they stand up to hurricanes and storm surge, so they must be well rooted.

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