Jeff is right...if you don't do palms, then your comments are next to useless.
If I may ask the original poster, how much are you paying to have two 30' palms trimmed and what kind are they? SPecies will tell us a lot about what's going on.
Two coconuts of that size would take less than half an hour (on spikes)... two washingtonias I would do from a bucket, if I had to climb them it would be a lot more $$, I don't like getting too close to the fronds, tendancy to break loose and thorny...two canary island dates that size, PREMIUM $$$ for the nasty thorns and weight and the fact I hate them...
Cleaning dead fronds is done partly for aesthetics, and safety reasons...sight lines, fire hazard, rats bugs, heavy coconuts, seed heads etc. If a palm is not near anything that matters then leave it alone.
Whatever is done, palms shouldn't be trimmed any further up than 9 to 3 (as if looking at a clock face) any more and you run the risk of less mature fronds above collapsing down, and the removal of nutrients and elements that are translocated from older fronds to newer ones in the normal course of events, or in the case of a nutrient deficiency.