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I have had my 029 S for 2 years now and have yet to have any problems with it I use it for limbing and felling small tree's everday.The only thing I don't like about it is I think it's heavy for it's size...

Later Rob....
029 It`s all in what....

you plan to use it for. I have a good friend, intelligent guy, top of class at nuke school, that cuts 10 face cord of medium to small diameter hardwood per year, going on his third year with his and he loves it. He feels that he got an excellent value for his money. I think at the time he bought he got a free case and spare chain, all for $299. Now I also know a few guys who bought one for a campsaw and it didn`t last a year. My favorite benchmark dealers for Stihls both tell me that they have seen too many durabilty problems with the 029 when people are expecting too much from it, ie: anybody except the small time user. One dealer does have a pile of them, I`ve seen it, but in all fairness he does have some Elux stuff in another pile. Russ

Absolutely. Consumer saw period. Needs good maintenance. I try to tell everybody that, but I got 1 pro who likes the price, so he bought 1. Has had it for 2 years now.
Rob, why did you buy it when for $60-70 more you could have gotten a 26??????

I bought it for my girlfriend to do some limbing and cut cordwood around the house but now it usuall comes with me,plus all I had on me was 300 bucks and I did'nt want to limb with my 64 it gets heavy after a day of limbing with it,and it was gonna be at least a week before he would have another 026...So thats that..

Later Rob...
good reason. i'm teaching my girl how to run the 021. i don't want her to have alot of power untill she is familar with a saw and can really use it safely:D
I let my girl run my 385 friday all she did was make about 5 bucking cut's in a 30"DBH maple and she dropped it and went to the truck for a while and drank her coffee,she likes the 029 better than all my saw's but then again what does she know:D

Later Rob...