The tree is a dead white fir.
Squating in the akward position becouse my bar wouldn't reach through form the high side and it was the only way I could cut the low side without sliding down the hill.
There is an 8" max stump highth in the contract. If I cut the stump waist high on the high side I would really be stretching to reach the low side, and then I would have to cut the stump off at 8" And then there would be an unmerchantable round laying around. On steep ground this can be dangerous to for anyone working below.
There is a gap at the back of the"notch". There are many different reasons for doing this. It gives the fibers more room to bend, it gives more room for your back cut to line up with the notch.
Also when gunning (sighting) your face (notch) cuts when your second cut is parallel to your first cut but the angles have not met, rather than cutting deeper with first cut and then the second cut until they meet and then going to the other side of the tree and repeating becouse the bar won't reach the far side, I just break the cut out with my ax. It is much easier. If any of you try this make sure it breaks out clean, if not you have to clean out any remaining pieces with your saw and ax.
If I had cut a "sipe" (a steeper third angle cut usually about half way between the hinge and the front edge of the stump). The gap would have the same effect as a wider face.