Addicted to ArboristSite
back yards drive nuts thank god i climb tom trees
I do believe this will be my last visit to this site, what an embarrassing display.
Seriously, don't you all have some trees to go and climb like the heroes you all think you are ?
I cannot imagine why not !
BTW I own 3 saws, one I call 'fast as tarnations', as in,
"go and get me 'fast as tarnations' for this tree Jasper".
Its a right purdy shade of green and purple, and the others two I call 'kinda dull but still gettin 'er dun'.
Ya itchin to become famous kid? lmao
Just feelin lucky old dog. lol
But after working this for a month now, I'm of the mindset that you either have to be hot or cold to be in the tree business. Lukewarm, and you'll get spat out.
Sure, you can get by without a climber....It's called landscaping.
Well, I am in the boat that you are describing somewhat. I got laid off from the oilfield a couple of months ago. Previous to that, I worked the ground for my brother, who is somewhat, but not highly experienced in tree removals. He got into removals after running a "Lawn Jockey" service, and getting repeated requests for tree care and removals. But it turns out that he is very good at certain aspects of running a tree removal business. And it helps that he is intensely curious, and loves to know everything about trees and wood, etc. He climbs, and I throw stuff in the truck like I'm mad at it. We're the guys that these real experienced guys hate.
We work great together, and we make a little money, but I will tell you that this is a ##### of a game to get into if you are not 100% committed. For instance, my bro climbs--but not like some of these guys climb! There's some insane climbers around!
From what I have seen, if I could not climb, I would hire a climber over renting or buying a bucket truck. Climbers can do stuff that bucket trucks can't do. I would definitely invest in a chipper. We don't have one, and running out to the compost facility all the time is taking a bite out of us.
If you try to do it all with a bucket truck, you're going to have to cherry-pick (get it?) your jobs. And when you're just starting out, it is not possible to turn away work. You need all the jobs you can get for word of mouth, and to pay for advertising, and misc expenses.
Anyway, I made my short story too long. I think you better do a little more research before you jump into this business. Certainly, any knowledge of tree care that you have will put you ahead of some gump with none. But after working this for a month now, I'm of the mindset that you either have to be hot or cold to be in the tree business. Lukewarm, and you'll get spat out.