Tree Damage From Crop Spraying

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Now, if I suspected this was intentional, or the result of negligence on the part of the applicator, that would be an entirely different story and in that case all the facts would need to be irrefutable.
But that's not what happened here, and I'm not suing my neighbor for something I know is not his fault.
If you are ever able to prove it was dicamba then you will find that EVERY applicator of the product has been or should have been well informed about the vapor drift issues. There is ZERO excuse for not having been knowledgeable. It has been one of the top Ag news stories for years. Heck 40 years ago we were spraying Banvel and known about the vapor issues.
Not quite the same Chuck was arguing against the rule of law I arguing for the rule of law.

If you do not believe me in my belief she would lose any lawsuit brought forth against any chemical company based solely on the facts she has presented then you and I will politely disagree. Our court system is definitely out of balance but not far enough to allow someone to sue a chemical company for negligence based on a product that the plaintiff cannot name, that the plaintiff cannot prove said company produced, that the plaintiff cannot prove was applied according to label directions, that the plaintiff cannot prove the company knowingly mislead anyone on. Yes SHE WILL LOSE but heck I guess time will tell. You ever wonder how many cases are dismissed everyday due to lack of evidence? You ever wonder how many times a judge tells a plaintiff "your suing the wrong party"
BS, you baited me into saying something I did not.

Satan has a special place for evil ones,, bait Yourself into that.. ....and have fun for eternity
Look, so far you have done nothing but run round and round in circles over this issue, asking question that have already been answered, and questioning FACTS that have already been documented.
You are adding nothing of value to this thread.
Asking questions about rocks and lawn mowing is ridiculous and a waste of everyone's time.

Are you a farmer? Are you a chemical applicator? Do you have a private license, or a commercial one? What kind of crops do you spray, if you ever do spray, how many acres do you spray? Do you own the land the crops are grown on? Do you spray crops that grow on other's land? If you have ever sprayed Dicamba, or 24D have you ever seen drift, or seen non-target land damaged from volatilization? If you spray, do you own your equipment, rent it, or hire it out to someone else? Do you have insurance? Do you have workers comp insurance? Are you self employed? Are you an employee and hired hand for someone else? If an employee, does your employer have insurance and workers comp on you? If you have a spray license is it valid, or is it expired? How often do you get get chemical application training? Where do you go to get trained? Do you pay for it yourself, or does your employer pay for it? Do you now, or have you ever worked for a government agency that caters to agriculture? Do you now, or have you ever worked for a company that manufactures pesticides? Do you now, or have you ever worked for a company that sells chemicals, like a farmer's co-op? Do you now, or have you ever worked for a company that promotes, sells, or transports chemicals? Do you own any land? If you do, do you use chemical herbicides on your property? If you rent, does your landlord use any chemical herbicides on the property you live on? Have you ever experienced herbicide damage, either on property you own, or property you rent? Have you had any formal training on chemical pesticides? Do you have a degree in law? Are you now, or have you ever been an attorney? Do you work in law enforcement? Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You say so far you have done nothing but run round and round in circles over this issue,
That is what you have done running 100mph not slowing down to listen
You say Are you a farmer? Yes see previous posts and pictures
You say Are you a chemical applicator? Yes see previous posts
You say Do you have a private license Yes see previous posts, just today in fact
You say What kind of crops do you spray corn beans and WEEDS and BRUSH
You say Do you own the land the crops are grown on? Yes O own the ground. I rent additional ground and I rent out ground that I own
You say Do you spray crops that grow on other's land? Yes
You say If you have ever sprayed Dicamba, or 24D have you ever seen drift, or seen non-target land damaged from volatilization? Well I spray it almost daily and never had a single drift issue with any I have ever personally sprayed. If I get back to it later I will be spraying more 24D tonight
You say If you spray, do you own your equipment, rent it, or hire it out to someone else? Both did you not read what I wrote earlier today ?
You say Do you have insurance? Yes
You say Do you have workers comp insurance? For who? Hard to insure oneself
You say Are you self employed? Yes but I also have a off farm job
You say Are you an employee and hired hand for someone else? Well I am employed off farm and I am not a hired hand although I was 35 years ago until the man was murdered by his son. I now own his farm and live in his old house.
You say If an employee, does your employer have insurance and workers comp on you? Yes they do as it is a large business.
You say If you have a spray license is it valid, or is it expired? Well pretty valid as it was just renewed in 2022
You say How often do you get get chemical application training? Every time I have to renew my license
You say Where do you go to get trained? well now with Covid it is online prior to that at the extension office or the church
You say Do you pay for it yourself, or does your employer pay for it? I pay for it
You say Do you now, or have you ever worked for a government agency that caters to agriculture? Well in previous posts I said I worked many years ago for the USCEC but as for catering to agriculture some would say HELL NO I do disagree though
You say Do you now, or have you ever worked for a company that manufactures pesticides? No
You say Do you now, or have you ever worked for a company that sells chemicals, like a farmer's co-op? No
You say Do you now, or have you ever worked for a company that promotes, sells, or transports chemicals? No
You say Do you own any land? Yes should be obvious by previous posts
You say Do you use chemical herbicides on your property? Yes should be obvious by previous posts and pictures
You say If you rent, does your landlord use any chemical herbicides on the property you live on? Well I rent land but the land I live on is mine. As I said I also Irent ground I own to others. The fine folks I rent land from do not use chemicals That is my duty. I am the operator they are the owner
You say Have you ever experienced herbicide damage, either on property you own, or property you rent? Only to what I wanted damaged THE WEEEDS . I have seen issues with those who failed to follow guidelines as mention before Banvel had issues with drift 40 years ago, Atrazine carryover is another issue but has nothing to do with drift
You say Have you had any formal training on chemical pesticides? Well I am just a bit shy of a MS in Agriculture. Of course the standard licensing training
You say Do you have a degree in law? Working on it
You say Are you now, or have you ever been an attorney? Not currently
You say Do you work in law enforcement? No
You say Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is Yes you had what may or not have been chemical damage from improper spraying of proper chemicals. It is more likely than not it is chemical damage and more likely than not caused by improper spraying and simple not SLOWING DOWN

I think that pretty much covers it. Anymore questions?????
Well thoughts are in ones head, evidence is is print, proof is in actions.

I think I am 200lbs but I am not (thought)
I write I am 200lbs l but I am not (print)
I step on the scale and it says NO (action) That is proof
nice try wont work
Oh, but I do get it - YOU'RE A NUT.
The problem is the chemical not the applicator.
As far as proving it? That's what courts are for.

As to your new analogy - yes, manufacturers have often been found guilty of selling a defective product that results in injury, or death...
he is right and you don't get it.
I sure hope she did. Bill G did nothing but demand answers to "yeah but what about this other stupid thing" questions in another thread too. Ignore is the best place for him.
hes asking the right questions
nice try wont work

he is right and you don't get it.

hes asking the right questions
Well I thought so but heck what do I know after doing this for a lifetime Pretty sure when I answered all her questions in #968 it should clear it up.

You lead a horse to water but you cant force them to drink
You honestly believe that hundreds, possibly thousands of farmers, all over the state of TN and beyond failed this year to follow label directions and the farmer/applicators are solely to blame for all of the tree damage from herbicide volatilization?
Well the issues with dicamba have been WELL known and well publicized. Anyone applying it knows that and if they do not then they need to stop applying any chemical. I cannot know what happened. I cannot blame anyone . I was not there so how would I know. I do know that in one of your pictures it shows a field to yard contact that would scare the living poo out of me to spray. It can be done but VERY careful. It requires a pressure, volume, speed, and possible boom height change. You can not just zip through there as normal.
Something to ponder and argue with if anyone likes. Dicamba has been around for many years. I do not now how many. I would imagine you could google search it. The chemical 2-4-D has been around for a VERY long time. I am pretty sure the old chemical "Banvel" was a dicamba product. It was widely used in the 1980's but had drift issues. Folks had to adapt their practices. The simple fact is you cannot spray the same thing at the same rate, at the same speed, and the same weather, conditions at the same..... you get the idea. Every field is different. Every situation is different. There have been drift issues with dicamba and are well documented. There is no excuse for not knowing it.

As for 2-4-D for gosh sakes it is sprayed on lawns all over the world. Right up next to flowers. It is probably one of the best go to all around broadleaf killers out there. Glyphosate is very similar in useage. Every seen the dumb butts that use glyphosate to write their names in the high school football field.? as long as they apply it in straight lines it kills in straight lines.

Now am I defending chemical companies? Absolutely NOT!!! They have knowingly put out products over the years that even when applied via labeled directions were harmful. Anyone heard of Gramoxone? As for Monsanto they have been a complete thug to the free market economy. Their stranglehold on tech fees is amazing. I do have to laugh at their purchase of Holden. At least those owners got rich. How do you (Monsanto) tell me I cannot plant the seed I RAISE in my fields on my land.

You take what I say anyway you want but I truly do not want to see you run off guns a blazing at the wrong folks. As I have many times and I will say again, it is better to slow down and take time to get to the roots. I would use another analogy here but I doubt it would help any.
I don't know either what the hell is going on.
All I know is it's very bad and it needs to be stopped.
I've done all I can do. I've said all I can say. From my lips to G0d's ears.
Not sure if this was mentioned but since there is such widespread damage in your area maybe give one of the local TV stations a call. Maybe it will get more attention to the problem. Or not.
Not sure if this was mentioned but since there is such widespread damage in your area maybe give one of the local TV stations a call. Maybe it will get more attention to the problem. Or not.
That reminds me of a funny story the TV station did near the end of the hand pick tomato days here. They were trying to "highlight" what they perceived as mis-treatment of the migrant workers. They were interviewing my cousin in front of one of the migrant houses when one of the migrants walked out and on camera started urinating in the yard. What more can you say. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot force it to drink

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