Tree Damage From Crop Spraying

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Looks like the yard has been hit with agent orange.
... oh, wait, it has.
NO IT HAS NOT and that right there is a slap in the face to those fine men and women that were HONESTLY impacted by the actual "agent orange" That comment is as low as I have seen in awhile. That comment well..............
This one is reserved for special people and for special occasions and I believe the time has come to bring it out of storage... also time for me to smack that ignore button again.
:hi: Adios muchacho.
That shows your maturity level. No one has disputed including myself your plants suffered some damage. That in no way EVER gives you any right to try to EVER equate that plant damage to the health damage inflicted on and suffered by those brave young men and women that were subject to "Agent Orange". There is ZERO argument in that
NO IT HAS NOT and that right there is a slap in the face to those fine men and women that were HONESTLY impacted by the actual "agent orange" That comment is as low as I have seen in awhile. That comment well..............

Agent orange was pretty much a strong version of 2,4,5-T ester (mixed 50/50 with 2,4-D).
It was very closely related to the 2,4-D you are familiar with. It was just a better defoliant, and it contained a surprisingly strong dose of dioxin. Dioxin is a seriously hazardous chemical byproduct of the 2,4,5-T manufacturing process, and would normally have been filtered out.

It is my personal belief that because the Army was using it as an agent against an enemy, the manufacturer took all the dioxin filtered out from their USA consumer products and disposed of it by adding their extra waste to what they were dumping on a foreign country. Of course, that's just my theory, and I have no documentation for that notion. There sure were a bunch of GI's that came down with odd complications, and agent orange was finally tied to those symptoms.

Interesting side note: Times Beach, a small town in Missouri was used as a disposal site for the dioxins removed from a manufacturer's plant that guess what? ...made agent orange for the army. It turns out some bright guy was spraying the dirt roads in that town with 6 loads of dioxin/waste mixed with one truckload of oil. Just to keep down the dust.
I was 8th row for AC/DC during the Razors Edge tour in '91. I still have the AC/DC dollar bill I knocked over 5 people to catch, lol - they dropped a million of them from the ceiling. It has a picture of a devil-horned Angus in the middle of it. I still have it around here somewhere! Hopefully the mice didn't destroy it. It's in my old bureau that remains untouched since I was a teenager. The mice turned it into a condominium ... 😁
Those who truly understand how 2-4_D, Glyphosate, and other true contact herbicides work will see very clearly what the pictures show. This is real life experience and not something read on Al Gore's internet
Do you farm corn/soy?
No I do not. My garden is right next to the soy field that was sprayed though. My green beans and peppers don't look good with their cupped leaves but my other items look fine. So I am thinking maybe aphids/white flies are attacking those plants and it is not the spray.

I do have a youngish sugar maple that is close to field as well. Its leaves never look good but it keeps on growing so???

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