Love my Maasdam. I cut alone so a trustworthy tool. It's not a miracle device. If throwing you weight into crank lever then it's maxed out. Get other assistance (why I've invested in two 1/2" rope; Maasdam 3-strand & an crotch rigging rated 1/2"... plus 2 or more anchor slings).
Great advice on leaners. What not mentioned, if rig off lean then when tree goes sideways, so does your rigging line. Tries to pull down adjacent trees, rope tensions to extreme or breaks, even best knot ties clinch to a rock. Either cutting rope loose... or slice apart tree to free & 30-40 minutes with pliers to release knot. (how do I know ?)
Masadam compensates for stretch. All rope has stretch. If you pulling 100ft on 2% stretch rope then 2 ft is stretch take-up at working load limit, say 2000#. Big deal when only 10' (or 5' doubling) on a cable puller.
Maasdam with 100' to 120' rope is minimum IMO. Gets you away, more anchor options, keep rigging at flatter angles so more power applied to tree.
Always set tree tie as high as possible. First point, Maasdam has limits. 1500 # exhausted quickly on a troublesome tree.