Tree Hugger Trying to Shut Me Down

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I have a rental complex next door a 100 yards or so from the property, a woman one day yells over to me and asks "what is burning over there?" I said "it's our wood stoves". She then asks "why do you use wood?" I said "to heat the house". She then says "can you put them out it stinks, I don't like the smell", I said "sure, should I have the oil bill sent directly to you or do you want to pay cash?". That was the end of the conversation.:wink2:
Well I'm in the process of getting/ building a new home and want to make it wood dependent. What would be my best bet on an outdoor burner for 3000-3500 square feet.

Thought this might be a good place to ask since most that heat with wood are gonna read this thread.
I to live off the beaten path so no problem with smoking out neighbors but mine is a gassifer so little smoke. But we do have a subdivision about 1500 ft thru the woods that we call snottyville. One #####ed(kicked their kids on 4 wheelers off the property chasing deer so they do not like me) that my donkeys and peacocks were to loud and called the cops which got a good laugh. I now get them to bray every time I go out so they know I am still here. The neighbor I care about enjoy the critters so we are not bothering them
Neighbors can be crazy at times. I have been fortunate to never have an issue with my burning, but I do have one really good story.

Almost two years ago there was some flooding taking place in RI, and portions of CT. There was a period of time where the two roads leading into my neighborhood were flooded out with several feet of water. When the water was first starting to rise behind my house, it was also finding its way into my basement. So I started pumping it out and into my side yard. My one neighbor who is not quite the most stable person, had come over to ask us how we were getting out with the flooded roads. She saw the constant flow of water out of the sump hose, and told me to stop pumping my basement. I was filling her yard with water.

When the national guard came around asking if we were evacuating, we did not leave with them (we had a boat), I explained to them they really needed to get her out and get her checked out. They all got a good laugh out of me filling the area with water by pumping my basement.

And to keep it firewood relate: I had a couple cord of wood float away during that time. I still find split firewood here and there in the woods.
Holy ####, I'm glad I don't have the problems with neighbors that many of you guys have. I know of at least 1 dozen OWB's within a 5 or 6 mile radius of my home, and litteraly countless other wood burning devices inside people's houses in that same radius. I guess maybe the rural area where I live hasn't had the mass influx of knuckleheads that many areas of the US have.

It's unfortunate that our society has litigated the "gut check" out of existence. If the clown described in the OP had to use people skills and mettle, he likely wouldn't have started this crap. Unfortunately, in place of intestinal fortitude, he has at his disposal heaps of bad government piled on top of bad government that he can use to make another person's life miserable. I'm glad it worked out for the OP though, or at least seems to have worked in his favor.
Holy ####, I'm glad I don't have the problems with neighbors that many of you guys have. I know of at least 1 dozen OWB's within a 5 or 6 mile radius of my home, and litteraly countless other wood burning devices inside people's houses in that same radius. I guess maybe the rural area where I live hasn't had the mass influx of knuckleheads that many areas of the US have.

It's unfortunate that our society has litigated the "gut check" out of existence. If the clown described in the OP had to use people skills and mettle, he likely wouldn't have started this crap. Unfortunately, in place of intestinal fortitude, he has at his disposal heaps of bad government piled on top of bad government that he can use to make another person's life miserable. I'm glad it worked out for the OP though, or at least seems to have worked in his favor.

Where did you see ANY "bad government" involving the OP? Winter mirage? Seems to me all officials involved acted very reasonably.
Bet you wouldn't like any "enhanced interrogation" used on you. Bullies are mostly cowards.
Where did you see ANY "bad government" involving the OP? Winter mirage? Seems to me all officials involved acted very reasonably.
Bet you wouldn't like any "enhanced interrogation" used on you. Bullies are mostly cowards.

Well, personally I see nearly any form of gov't as "bad gov't". YMMV. No need to be a bully, but the ******* in the OP certainly was trying to be a bully by using gov't to exert his will. This same phenomena occurs in many facets of our society today. Heck, there are many stories of people moving to rural areas and trying to shut down farms here on this board. I'm not a bad ass and don't tend to #### with other people.
If you are within state regulations then you are good to go. We have some real issues here in CT that are not going to get better anytime soon, (some towns have actually legally banned them). I don't think they can touch you...I just feel bad for you neighbor. They should put more restrictions on these things...especially in dense towns.

I'm in CT too, do you have any lists of these towns? id be interested to see them. But, as far as I can tell, theres no regulations I can think of where I am... I can see in the bigger cities maybe... even that would be a bit suspect. Forcing someone to use oil, gas or to buy a Different type stove just seems wrong.

Out here in the woods, almost everyone has a wood burning stove or uses their fireplace. I cant recall anyone near me who uses a (I dont even like saying it...) Pellet stove except for the newer folks in their McMansions who buy their two acres in the new developments popping up all over the place and have it all clear cut to make room for the lawns they think they need. (dumping tons of chemicals into the grounds so their grass is green... funny, they like the green grass but not the green water they end up with cause they polluted the well with fertilizers and bug

As for the rest of us, we are surrounded by trees, lots of them, falling over in storms, dying, needing to be thinned out. I know of restrictions on wood burning furnaces (the outdoors types) that are kind of tight, but as for a stove or fireplace, I have never heard of any being banned. Yeah, if someone is burning dirty, Smokey fires, with thick smoke.. thats one thing but the newer (and some older) stoves are so efficient, they actually use up about 80 to 90% of the smoke as fuel and burn cleaner than most oil fired boilers.
Where did you see ANY "bad government" involving the OP? Winter mirage? Seems to me all officials involved acted very reasonably.
Bet you wouldn't like any "enhanced interrogation" used on you. Bullies are mostly cowards.
Well said. I like the idea of living in a society were the rule of law is evenly and universally applied. We've never really achieved this ideal, but in the times of prosperity and plenty after WWII and the age of oil we got fairly close, at least for some people in some places. As our middle class is destroyed the ability of average people to make the legal system work for them will continue to degrade.

A fish rots from the head, and we can see how the universal rule of law has broken down at national and sate levels, but often at local levels it's still intact, and I'll enjoy those protections as long as they hold up. There are other, older systems for dealing with such issues, and you can see them at work in other places all over the world, and beginning in places in the US too. When the warlords building power in Mexico move into the US southwest then the way people deal with such disputes there will change. Maybe some look forward to this, but I don't and I suspect many will be severely disillusioned with what replaces the rule of law and their ability to get what they want out of that system. How about some private corporate armies administering justice with immunity in your region? That's now the law of the land. What is your recourse when you don't like what they do?

Change, big change, is coming whether we want it to or not, but don't be so quick to kiss way the benefits we've all enjoyed from the system we've had. The OP has a jerk neighbor who tried to use the local governmental agencies to serve his own personal interests in some power play on the OP. It didn't work. The OP had some reasonable conversations with some reasonable people, probably made some good connections and is personally in a more powerful position relative to the jerk than he was to start with. No physical force was used and no one got paid off. If the OP had been burning tires and the neighbor was reasonable the decision would have probably gone the other way, as it should. Kind of refreshing I think. Enjoy it while it lasts.
ever notice that everyone has that one neighbor who just waits around to moan and complain about all the others? they are on every street in america. youre too loud, your dog barks, your cat walks acros my lawn, your guests park infront of my house, your wife turns around in my driveway, your kids balls come over the fence into my yard..blahh blahh blahh.. I get so sick and tired of this stuff it makes me mental! If everyone just gave eachother a little slack, life would be so much more enjoyable.
Well said. I like the idea of living in a society were the rule of law is evenly and universally applied. We've never really achieved this ideal, but in the times of prosperity and plenty after WWII and the age of oil we got fairly close, at least for some people in some places. As our middle class is destroyed the ability of average people to make the legal system work for them will continue to degrade.

A fish rots from the head, and we can see how the universal rule of law has broken down at national and sate levels, but often at local levels it's still intact, and I'll enjoy those protections as long as they hold up. There are other, older systems for dealing with such issues, and you can see them at work in other places all over the world, and beginning in places in the US too. When the warlords building power in Mexico move into the US southwest then the way people deal with such disputes there will change. Maybe some look forward to this, but I don't and I suspect many will be severely disillusioned with what replaces the rule of law and their ability to get what they want out of that system. How about some private corporate armies administering justice with immunity in your region? That's now the law of the land. What is your recourse when you don't like what they do?

Change, big change, is coming whether we want it to or not, but don't be so quick to kiss way the benefits we've all enjoyed from the system we've had. The OP has a jerk neighbor who tried to use the local governmental agencies to serve his own personal interests in some power play on the OP. It didn't work. The OP had some reasonable conversations with some reasonable people, probably made some good connections and is personally in a more powerful position relative to the jerk than he was to start with. No physical force was used and no one got paid off. If the OP had been burning tires and the neighbor was reasonable the decision would have probably gone the other way, as it should. Kind of refreshing I think. Enjoy it while it lasts.

"we the people". Ever hear that phrase? Gov't today is run by career minded folks trying to amass wealth at the expense of the citizens. Glad you think it's great. Not everyone agrees. The OP never should have had to jump thru the hoops he did. Period.
ever notice that everyone has that one neighbor who just waits around to moan and complain about all the others? they are on every street in america. youre too loud, your dog barks, your cat walks acros my lawn, your guests park infront of my house, your wife turns around in my driveway, your kids balls come over the fence into my yard..blahh blahh blahh.. I get so sick and tired of this stuff it makes me mental! If everyone just gave eachother a little slack, life would be so much more enjoyable.

Agreed live and let live. My sister in law has neighbors from hell. They call if they now their yard because they don't like to hear the lawn mower running. If they they let the dogs out they call if the dogs even make a sound when they are out they call. If the kids are playing on swing set they call police for noise if brother in law changes oil in the car they call. I swear every time they step outside their neighbors are calling police or someone.

In fact it pisses me off and I don't live there some people just need to get a life
Agreed live and let live. My sister in law has neighbors from hell. They call if they now their yard because they don't like to hear the lawn mower running. If they they let the dogs out they call if the dogs even make a sound when they are out they call. If the kids are playing on swing set they call police for noise if brother in law changes oil in the car they call. I swear every time they step outside their neighbors are calling police or someone.

In fact it pisses me off and I don't live there some people just need to get a life

Yep! in the summer, I can hear the kids who live on the corner of the next street over if im in my driveway and they crack me up. I think the son is about 5 or 6 and the girl is a little older, anyhow they have this really loud friend who is a yeller and some of the stuff they say kills One time I was working when I heard, very loudly, "Ewwww, he's peeing on the bushes!" I was giggeling to myself.. Ahhh to be a kid again. The only neighbor who gets on my nerves is the guy behind me's son.. a kid, maybe 20 - 21 years old, who rides his stupid ATV up and down their gravel driveway all day.. And its no so much the noise or anything, its more or less just the fact that he's got nothing better to do.. go to work or get a girl friend.. go do something instead of riding up and down, up and down.. I want to stretch a wire across the driveway and lop his head off and punt it across the road so the Coyotes can chew on it.... lol:blob2:
"we the people". Ever hear that phrase? Gov't today is run by career minded folks trying to amass wealth at the expense of the citizens. Glad you think it's great. Not everyone agrees. The OP never should have had to jump thru the hoops he did. Period.
Please don't put words in my mouth that I never said. The upper level of most every Gov'ts everywhere are run by career minded folks trying to amass wealth at the expense of the citizens. Our system did it with less intrusion on the citizens for a time. Smaller local governments attract less of that stuff.

But I'm glad to hear that everything I do is OK by definition simply because I do it. This makes life so much easier. I'll print out that you told me this and show it to anyone I have a conflict with, and I'm sure they will quickly agree that my interests trump theirs.
Glad to hear your local officials are taking the right approach to it. I can see the problem when living in close proximity to others and common sense with wood burners is needed as well. A catalytic or compliant stove would be in order there.

When I first got my boiler cover 8 years ago it was the first one in the area. I'm in a rural area and it does smoke pretty good when ramping up. Always have dry wood and it's in a building along with the wood. One night a Sheriff stopped by and asked about the smoke as he thought the building was on fire. Showed him the set up and till he left he wanted the contact info to look into one for his place.

The best one though was when a township policeman stopped in and said it was illegal to burn plastic and such and was going to write me a ticket. He's known in the area as a REAL pain is on a "power" trip. You know the type. Anyway, I said I burn only dry wood and will show him. We walked out and just as I approached the building I heard the damper clank shut. Opened the door and the temp was reading 186. I told him we'll have to wait a while till it cools down to open it up as it's starving for oxygen. He looked at me like I was nuts and I insisted we wait. After about 5 minutes I cracked the door and I temp was at 184. I shut it back as it was still too hot. Next thing I knew he pushed me away and said,"Quit stalling."

With that he swung the door open and a fireball woofed out. How I kept from laughing I still don't know but I bet he had some comments at the station on having basically no eyebrows,singed lashes and the hair in front of his hat being gone. He quickly scampered back to his car saying something about those things are dangerous, I assume he needed to change his shorts as well! No ticket as it was just wood and he never came back. I was quick to tell a friend on the force the whole story and the hairless egghead has since moved on to another area. Priceless;)
The upper level of most every Gov'ts everywhere are run by career minded folks trying to amass wealth at the expense of the citizens.

i hear that!

every time i hear about someone wanting to go into politics i have a chill run up my spine and I feel like grabbing them by the scuff of their A** and throwing them off a cliff. lol Our forefathers must be looking down at us from where ever and thinking... "you bunch of numbskulls, you let the country get away from you!" Maybe we should just start paying taxes back to england and get back under their rule...