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New Member
Jul 1, 2005
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figured I would just throw this out there to everyone to see what kind of input I get. I have a client who want's about 30 trees removed and about 15 saplings. The trees are all between 15 and 20 feet tall. There are no power lines or any obstacles that have to be watched out for and the stumps can stay in the ground cause they will be brining in a bulldozer to do some work. Anybody have any idea about a price. I also have a chipper that I can use to chip the limbs and what not up. Any input would be great. Thanks.
30 trees that are up to 20' tall, and 15 saplings...

That job is worth 1500 bucks, get a contract in writing explaining the services and that the stumps are going to be left.
Are you serious that it? That seems pretty low. We cut down two pin oaks for the same guy about twom months ago and chraged him like $700.00 for just those two and we were lower than his other bids of like $1200.00. Sure $1,500 is not way low.
I can go do quotes, come home and tell my partner about the job such as "big pine, kinda ugly." and she blurts out a price, its often within 20% of what I would have quoted.

She says $5643 not sure if thats meant to me NZ or US dollars
spin2098 said:
Any input would be great. Thanks.
How about you putting in a picture so you get more than blind shots in the dark/

You're welcome. :umpkin:
TimberMcPherson said:
...She says $5643 not sure if thats meant to me NZ or US dollars

Or it could be Canadian or Euros :dizzy:. I say she is a might low, its worth $7500, but my conversions could be off, it might be in yin.

Guy, couldn't a 15-20' tree be a sapling? What is the deffinition of a sapling? A tree with no pith?
Thanks all I thought about $6,000 myself but just wanted to get some input. Like I said before no tree expert but thanks for all the insight.
15-20 feet is between 5 and 7 meter high? thats a hour work with 3 guys, 1 saw and a chipper. that cost at most 500€ (ex taxes, including travel time up to one hour drive.)
Don't know about you guys, but I don't bid anything without looking at it. Minor points can have major affect on the price. I'd suggest figuring it per diem. Example--I've got myself climbing and 2 grounders. A chipper, box truck/dump trailer..whatever. How much would you charge for an 8-12 hour day with that kind of manpower/equipment? Now multiply by number of days it should take you. Be sure to add some "dammit time" for minor unforeseen hold-ups. Say you need a grand a day for 8 hrs. and the job takes 3 days. The bill's $3k plus a little to cover the gremlins. It's a simplified idea and these are just for example, but I'm sure you get the idea. I also "sell it" as a discount rate to the customer. "If I price this by the individual tree you'd be getting pretty pricey in a hurry. I'll figure it by how much we can accomplish in a day and it will save you some money." If you disclose this to the customer, be sure to be as accurate as you can on your estimates. Finishing too soon or taking a few days longer could present issues for you.
SPin, You aren't giving us the info we need to work with. A picture would be nice but a better description would help. You explained that there are no obstructions and the stumps stay-good. The problem lies in the descriptions of the trees. 20 feet tall is very short but you distinguished this size from the Saplings. What are we talking about? Young trees with 6 inch diameter trunks or older trees that have meen mutilated and have trunks 30 inches dbh but only epicormic shoots for branches? Are your saplings 4 inches in diameter but with one leader and limited branches or are they 1 inch in diameter and 6-8 feet tall? The mental picture you created was for a bunch of small stuff that Carl's $1500 guess would cover.... but it could easily be worth 5 times that and be described with the same incomplete description.
Yeah, access is another factor.

Gicon, how much roofing can you lay in a day? Same for this guy, he does landscapin, not trees.
Yeah Yeah, figures...

Ya get my point though? I completely agree, but this dood aint got a daily rate and he doesnt know what he can do in a day.
How many lawyers does it take to shingle a roof?
Oxman said:
How many lawyers does it take to shingle a roof?

It depends on how thin you slice them.