Hey treevet you should get a ten footer for that ford chiptruck you have , just leave some weight in the back that truck would do well on big work, like roadways and lots..
Watch yer step over there... might be some "sticks" in the snow.
On another note: Ben you lay down some seriously funny chit! Thanks man I needed a good laugh.
The new chip truck is gonna come with a plow on it. Should probably put a mount on the bucket truck.....hmmm.....thats a thought.
Saturday into sunday and then the start of the week will be fun. Lake Effect, love it, love it, love it!
No sand it freezes in the hopper , its always sand salt mix and keep it dry outta the rain ....salt will melt ice to about 10 degrees ..ok question for the experts....
We had a ton of rain....temp drops below freezing and the wetness freezes....then after the night is over, we will maybe have 4 inches of snow.
I go plow drives tomorrow am but under the snow is an ice surface. In this case you are likely creating a hazard by taking the snow off the ice.
AM temp in the mid teens. Salt don't work well under 20. Do you spread sand? Can a tailgate spreader spread sand. Is there a sand that is best for this application? Coarse prob.
Then after the temp rises you gotta come back and spread salt to melt the ice?
This stuff is interesting and strategic.
ok question for the experts....
We had a ton of rain....temp drops below freezing and the wetness freezes....then after the night is over, we will maybe have 4 inches of snow.
I go plow drives tomorrow am but under the snow is an ice surface. In this case you are likely creating a hazard by taking the snow off the ice.
AM temp in the mid teens. Salt don't work well under 20. Do you spread sand? Can a tailgate spreader spread sand. Is there a sand that is best for this application? Coarse prob.
Then after the temp rises you gotta come back and spread salt to melt the ice?
This stuff is interesting and strategic.
ok question for the experts....
... Can a tailgate spreader spread sand. Is there a sand that is best for this application? Coarse prob.
For the guys that do the plowing do you havea set base price? One of my customers told me he charges between $2.00 an 3.00 a min but wont drop his plow for anything under $35.00 doing mosty res. homes.
Yesterday WAS our first rodeo. (not counting cocktail plowing over thirty years ago). Made a few beans and everything went just fine. Found out for now don't need a tailgate spreader for 1400 bucks. 80 dollar home improvement spreader holding 50 lb bag worked just fine for now. One job had a eighth mile drive into a turnaround into another drive into a a big open lot. Just took maybe 15 minutes to do the whole thing.
Prob get a tailgate spreader with the first commercial account.
What is the tech for plowing gravel drives and not moving all the gravel away? We have a number of them around here and they are expensive properties too.
Gravel drive? Nope! Maybe if its worth the risk. You'll put the front of the drive in the back yard. Maybe if you had feet and were able to get the right adjustment to account for the gravel drive but I wouldn't go looking for that kind of work unless it was big bucks. I think blowers are set high and used on gravel.
In my contract for plowing it states that driveways are in fact " wearable items" that require maintenance periodically and I am not responsible for any damage... unless they can prove I was drunk. Once any drive have a good sized noticable hump in the middle you can expect problems to develope pretty quick. Try never to plow upgrade if you can help it. If I had a choice whether to push in on virgin snow uphill or back in , pack it down and push down I would go with the latter. A hump in the middle while pushing up is not recomended unless you are getting paid extra to redo the drive. If you can plow the drive and not strip off the top of the hump or at least start to then you were lucky that time. That might even be plain common sense I dunno.
And it always looks worse when its fresh. They see the mud , gravel and bits of driveway pushed up next to the garage and they start freaking out. I will fix any major damage like if I hit something but after it all melts the mess is not so bad.
If you have long drives to do mark them. I do have days in the spring where I have to do around and clean things up here and there. And never feel bad about knocking down a mailbox and never let anyone else try to make you feel bad about it. I have knocked them down and went out and got new ones so fast the people still don't know. The one was a pain because the last name was Lawrence and it said it on both sides. I have been lucky cause all mine were relatively easy and cheap to fix but there are some nice ones out there![]()
you're a wildman :hmm3grin2orange: