Tru-fuel question.

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I've yet to try any of my ER trufuel stash.

I should open one and test it in saws. I bet all it is is tuning to a new mix since it is not gas but mostly alkylate like the rest of them.

I still use Efree 89 40:1.


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I've yet to try any of my ER trufuel stash.

I should open one and test it in saws. I bet all it is is tuning to a new mix since it is not gas but mostly alkylate like the rest of them.

I still use Efree 89 40:1.

Keep an eye on your date codes too. Should be a five digit number, first three digits are the day of the year and last two are the year. 29323 would be 293rd day of 2023.

I rotated my last stash at ~4.5 years, still ran fine in everything but smelled noticeably different than fresh fuel.
Last week Menards had the 110 ounce cans of Tru Fuel 50:1 for $18 with 15% off if you put them in the 15% off paper bag. I made two trips through the store to get 3 gallons each of odorless mineral spirits and the Tru Fuel plus a few other items.

I hit up Menards for 2 Delco brand starting batteries at 15% off. Batteries have went way up in price in the last year, 15% helped. They fit in the bag so long as you didn't try to pick up the bag with them in it.

I always buy batteries because flooded cell jars, the longer they sit the shorter lifespan they have. That and a couple packs of Lloyds BBQ'd ribs.

I believe why syn fuel cans don't have foil seals is because the expansion and contraction rate is high and a sealed top could cause issues and leakage. When we get cases of Red Armor in the store, they have never leaked at all.
A while back we had an issue with a saw running (not running!) Tru-fuel. My STIHL dealer told me we should be running MotoMix. Lots of confusion.

I called the 800 number on the can, and spoke to the ‘technical service rep’ for some time.

He said that their company made several brands, according to each company’s ‘recipe’. That they used the 110 ounce cans, instead of 1 gallon, because they were more of a ‘standard’ size (they had to leave sone room for vapor expansion). And that they were ‘probably’ going to add seals.

I expected them a year ago.

So, buying sealed, cardboard, cases is probably the closest thing you will get.

He said that their company made several brands, according to each company’s ‘recipe’. That they used the 110 ounce cans, instead of 1 gallon, because they were more of a ‘standard’ size (they had to leave sone room for vapor expansion). And that they were ‘probably’ going to add seals.


More like to fool you into thinking you are buying a full gallon.

I remember spaghetti sauce used to be a quart, then 26 oz, now it's 24 oz, but they still try make the jars look like the old quarts but 3/4 the size......

I store my mix in recycled metal 1-gal Coleman/white gas cans. No light, no air, no porous plastic. The canned mix fuel is too damm expensive!!!
I've read years back of truefuel being returned to box stores that had been dumped and filled with water with coloring. That could be some folks issues.

I'm going to open a gal of my truefuel ER hidden on a back shelf and dump and put in a saw and see what happens.

I am thinking couple years old by date. I will check.

Prob try it in the echo 501 first.
That entirely depends on how much you consume actually. For my use, 2 gallons last all season and that includes using it in my small power equipment that sits all winter in an unheated barn.

100LL is $6/gallon here now. With mix oil I can make 5-gal ~$8/gal now, then transfer to Coleman cans. It seems to store indefinitely.

It does have lead, but if I just need fuel that stores or won't muck up my saws/carbs it's fine. If I'm using a lot of fuel/milling, I'll make fresh mix from non-E10 and use it within weeks.

Leftover gets dumped in my old 9N or TO-30 Ferguson tractors. They seem to burn almost anything. But I won't let E10 sit in them either.