I wonder if one of these would look good on this? I'm undecided on a tsumura or a cannon.
I think they'll look good on about any saw. I wonder if it'll look better than a cannon on a poulan pro 655?:msp_wink:
I wonder if one of these would look good on this? I'm undecided on a tsumura or a cannon.
If I could find a nice one I would. I might just make an adapter up and run the tsumura on it. I will use the saw some to buck big wood to play with it. I might end up with another 90cc saw to use more often and keep that one for gtgs.
They are "the" bar for any serious fallers. The rails are harder than Chinese arithmetic.
Come on you two get some pictures up. I'm still 220 miles from mine.:wink2:
LOL, I'm workin on it. I wanna clean the 660 up just a bit, and then I will have pics of both it and the 555 as well.....BTW, I believe I would tack on about 2,000 more miles in terms of how far away you are from yours....
For what???? Surely Yer not trying to get your saws as clean as Snelling's,,, saws,,, err uhmmm playtoy's are ya???
Just take a dang picture will ya,,
LOL, I would say they are every bit as shiny as Brads or more......But yeah, like Mike said you can see it in my 555 thread.
Ok, Dave was just here, dropped off two shiny new Tsumura light bars. He is limited as to where he can sell them geographically, I am not. If you need these bars call me guys. I will buy them, tack on $100.00 and sell them to you. Just kidding. Let me know if you want them though.there:msp_thumbup: