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so a rick =a 4x8 =1/2 cord is $125.00 = $75.oo del and stk here
Terms defining wood are regional. Yes, I agree that a cord is a good legal definition. Most people in this area know what a cord of wood is but you never hear the term used. People buy wood by the rick in this area. The common definition is whatever length of wood the customer specifies x 4' high x 8' long.
Rick is a common term here in the heartland. It is obvious that in the NE that a cord is the standard term people use. I respect the fact that is the term and legal definition, but have the same respect for the terminology used in other parts of the country. There is absolutely no shortage of wood sellers in this part of the country, hell everyone with a saw seems to be selling wood this year.
One thing you never see here is wood sold by the truck load.
In Kansas and Oklahoma a rick IS a legal definition. its case law and you can get your butt sued over shorting someone. the length isn't arguable, but 4x8 is. its square feet of face vs. volume.. we don't do volume cause we can't mulitiply 3 number together like you educated easterners (gag me!)
In Kansas and Oklahoma a rick IS a legal definition. its case law and you can get your butt sued over shorting someone. the length isn't arguable, but 4x8 is. its square feet of face vs. volume.. we don't do volume cause we can't mulitiply 3 number together like you educated easterners (gag me!)
So, what is a rick?
LMAO, some of you guys just aint right.
In my hillbilly part of Tennessee, its sold in ricks, or as wooddoctor said, by the truck load. Probably more sold by the truckload than any other. Kinda like, heres a truck load of wood, dont know exactly how much is on it, if you want it its yours, if not fine.....and they sell them like hot cakes.
A rick may not have a legal deffinition, but heres mine.
A rick= 4' high, 8' long, wood cut 12''....= 1/4 a cord.
A rick= 4' high, 8' long, wood cut 16''....= 1/3 a cord
A rick= 4' high, 8' long, wood cut 24''....= 1/2 a cord
A rick= 4' high, 8' long, wood cut 48''= 1 full cord.
So a rick dont mean nothing unless you ask how long the wood is.
A rick is a 4 foot high by 8 foot long stack of wooden nickels ( stacked edge to edge ).
A stack 4 feet high by 8 feet long and 30" wide is not a rick if a piece falls off ( "losing face" )