Man I would hate to buy green oak like that. Saw an interesting ad on Maine craigslist
Semi Seasoned 6 month cut/split and Seasoned 10 month cut/split
All wood is premium hardwood; mostly Oak and Maple.
Processed, TUMBLED, and dried on pavement; so free of all MUD and DIRT.
Then the wood is TUMBLED AGAIN prior to loading into truck (new this year.)
Cords are delivered as 196 cubic feet, not 128. All major credit cards accepted. Bulk discounts available. We are a family operated but professional firewood company. Delivery Fees may apply based on location. We can deliver up to 4 cord in one delivery. I wonder why 196 cubic feet and what is up with this new trend of debarked tumbled wood?
I should tell the company that sold me four cords of firewood ends that they are in violation of the law

after all I had some 3 foot wide stump ends that were less than eight inches thick. Or you can Google state of Massachusetts cordwood. Remember one simple fact is is the job of the commonwealth of Massachusetts to make the simle things complicated and pass laws to back it up