A few years back, we had a major ice storm, which sht down the top third of the
state. The good thing abot the storm, is that the temps didn't drop too bad after,
but most of the county was out of power, for several counties around, and most roads
were blocked.
We had an ice storm 10 years earlier, but that one was immediately followed by sub-zero temps, so that made this one not as dire, but with the total damage, in many cases, thjs one was worse.
I left early for work, knowing that I would be busy, halfway there, an hour or so later
I knew I was in for a hell day.
When I finally arrived, the parking lot was full, and I was the only local saw/small engine guy around in Feb.
After the initial onslaught of sob stories, problems, etc. I initiated a policy.
I would put heaters and generators on a higher priority above saws, since keeping kids
and grandmas warm is more important than cleaning up that unsightly clutter from
downed trees.
The distinction became real clear the next weekend of hell week, when I came into
the hell of that hardware store, and I took a call, with 30 customers glaring at me wanting service, a local dentist demanding that I come out in the parking lot to
fix his generator, he was calling from his cell.
I told him that he could leave it, and Iif I got a chance, I could look and see if it
was a simple fix, and I could knock it out.
He said, "But you don't understand, I just bought the generator at Lowes yesterday, and it quit last night, and I have not had power since!" "I have food in the freezer!"
Needless to say, I kind of snapped and screamed at him, "My power has been out for 6 days, and food in my freezer!", and slammed the phone down. Needless to
say the crowd in front of me were quite a bit more polite after that, considering
that I am a burly, fat, redneck, and their only hope of getting their stuff fixed.
But I stuck to that protocol, generators/heaters first, chainsaws second, especially when kids and grandmas were mentioned.
Customers proclaiming that they were doctors, lawyers, bankers, just pissed me off, and they were bumped down on general principles.
After all, life is not fair, and life sucks, but if you slip on of the mechanics a 20 spot, you will get taken care of much sooner. Just do not tell the owner that.
These guys live in the area as well, and they have similar obstacles, and they are just trying to get by.
Grease you local small engine mechanic, it will pay off