Using a tree stand for a removal (not joking)

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Tree stand has no tie in for the "climber", gives a fall sense of security. A tree stand is a very inefficient way to climb a tree (no surprise). I heard a statistic that the highest number of "falling out of trees" injuries in the U.S. occur not from people free climbing trees, not from pro tree workers (no surprise) but from hunters falling out of tree stands, either while hunting, or installing the tree stands or climbing up or down to the tree stands. It's a lousy way to work in a tree, you're fixed to the trunk, you have zero crown mobility. It's kind of like a bucket truck arm frozen in one position except much more sketchy.

Try Googling "tree stand accidents".

Then again it's practically impossible to talk people out of their "brilliant" ideas about doing things in trees.

Well I use mine for removing straight spars not trees. I have on my saddle and have my flipline securing me to the tree. In blocking down pines or similar trees with consistent taper my ankles thank me. I have a system that I use and do not feel it is any more or less dangerous than any other form of climbing. The stand will not work on leaners very well or crooked or heavy tapered trees. It is a tool that I choose to use to block down
the last 25' of spars at times but I disagree with you on it being sketchy in the application I use it for, it is merely secure comfort. The next time I do it I will post pics. Now if gafs did not turn my ankles and knees to jelly, I would use them for the final blocking! I however feel very safe in the application I use mine for. It also can be used as a comfortable seat at lunch.

In no way am I recommending its use for taking down a tree.
I chose it only for blocking in firewood size and in a limited type,
size and form, so its use is ultra limited. It also is not for anyone
not without upper body strength or expertise in its use. I have
logged thousands upon thousands of hours on a climber in the hunting woods, so am proficient with its use. I agree many die
and are injured not from its use however, merely from its misuse
and not being tied in with a safety device.
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I know it sounds crazy. It's actually my uncle who wants to do it, he's a hunter as well. It is not me!
fer 5 hunnit bucks ill travel down to the tree and cut it down with me and my ropeman! that way u can see how a pro makes it look easy and your uncle will live another day:) what do ya think? this will be my final offer to you. you have not took advantage of my offers so im almost sure you are full of chit and cant afford to pay for the removal. $500 is a good deal imo fer 2 men and lots of modern equipment that will travel 1+ hrs to the local. u clean up or it stays where it lays.
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Plasmech, Hang in there, these guys will tire of slamming you and start answering your questions. A number of years back there was a guy that would sub me out when he got himself in trouble on a job. No lie, he would use Fleet Farm rope tied around his waist and those screw in tree stand climbing spikes. Those guys are out there! He hasn't called me in years, maybe dead. Pete

Are you serious? :dizzy:
And after all the effort I have put in, and others, replying to him?
and he keeps posting questions like this?

you insult me by posting like this, stay out of it. :buttkick:
Or spend hours involved in these threads like some of us.

Those red points mean something.

And I'd do it for $ 475.00 :D
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Are you serious? :dizzy:
And after all the effort I have put in, and others, replying to him?
and he keeps posting questions like this?

you insult me by posting like this, stay out of it. :buttkick:
Or spend hours involved in these threads like some of us.

Those red points mean something.

And I'd do it for $ 475.00 :D
:yourock: treeslayer, wll is not interisted in competive bidding:) by all means get it done. imo plasmech is full of chipps:laugh:
is that thing like a keg stand for real men? :)

All I need is a throwline and a rope, you bring the saw.
No room to drop it? June pole time, I'll lower, you cut it from the bottom.

10 minutes and BAM we's gone. :chainsaw:
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is that thing like a keg stand for real men? :)

All I need is a throwline and a rope, you bring the saw.
No room to drop it? June pole time, I'll lower, you cut it from the bottom.

10 minutes and BAM we's gone. :chainsaw:
dont threaten me with a good time!!:clap:
You guys got the right idea+ 1 on the beer, gotta usher him in right.

Let him scare the crap out of himself in the tree, then get him drunk so he barfs all over mom's carpet, lol. I can hear mom now "thats it plasmech, no more of this tree nonsense!"

Plasmech, just repeat the above steps until perfected, then you will truely know "the way of the treeman".
sounds like he's needs to get a couple of kegs.
we'll all go and knock some trees down, party til he pukes.

Mike, I'm not joking, either. I'd go if your up to it. I know this bunch of tree bandits would.

Heck, I'd go to just to hear if ropensaddle talks like he types. yee haw!!
you gotta be as country as me, bro! :cheers:

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SpaceMule has a mini-me.

He's transmorgified from the chainsaw forum with a whole knapsack full of hypothetical scenarios.......

I liked the one about gaffing out though...

and a few others.

:givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer:

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Yea I wonder how much a Genie boom costs for a day. I would think even an idiot like me with a red reputation could use one of those safely.

I rent a towable lift from the local rental co. It goes to 45 ft and is just shy of 9 ft wide. light enough for 2 people to move and it's electric so no yelling over the engine for the hyd.
It's $145 per day, so it works for me until I get my own.
I rent a towable lift from the local rental co. It goes to 45 ft and is just shy of 9 ft wide. light enough for 2 people to move and it's electric so no yelling over the engine for the hyd.
It's $145 per day, so it works for me until I get my own.

:hmm3grin2orange: first limb here feller just wont cut mustard.
I remember once working for the big O some guys came in for storm
work from western Tex and just would stand and look from the base
of a hundred foot loblolly looking puzzled lol. Finally one asked how
do ya'all get up there and we :ices_rofl:
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QUOTE=ropensaddle;1303219]I've seen the grand ole opry and I'v met Johnny Cash, if that ain't country
Ill kiss yer azz:laugh:[/QUOTE]give us a pic Mr. rope, i keep thinking yer from Texas:laugh:
were just small town rednecks:)
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OK this is a ridiculous post but it's true and I need some advice.

I have a buddy who is planning on using a hunting tree stand for limbing and blocking down a 65 foot tree. For those not familiar with what a tree stand is:

(it has a tool that wrapps around the tree and you sort of inch your way up with it).

I am trying my best to explain to him what is going to happen a couple seconds before he hits the ground and dies if he goes through with this. Being that I'm not a climber, it's a bit difficult.

I told him that if he is absolutely intent on cutting this tree down, he would probably be better off using spikes that using a tree stand, DESPITE the fact that no matter what, he's probably going to get hurt big time. I mean there are freaking power lines involved and everything. Any advice on what I should tell him?

Now it is your uncle but first is was your buddy. Make real sense to me.

Hey I have a question for you?

Do trolls still hang out under bridges and eat goats? Just wondering:confused: