Using Amsoil etc. for 2 cycle

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It uses a natural petroleum base stock, with additives. One being the 'secret' Patented additive
That "secret additive is a moly amine salt. Do a patent search at

Somewhere in my boxed up "files' I have some Optimol tech lit.
Please do.

Straight gas has more advantages over mixed fuel. Lower emissions,
No, not really. The emissions from a two cycle come from unburnt HC exiting the exhaust port. oil ratio has no influeance on this.

more power
There have been many peer reviewed studys that suggest the exact opposite of what you are saying. The one the comes to mind was done by MAC in the 70"s.

better control of flame propagation
No way. Fuel front speed is determined by the HC makeup of the fuel. Oil is in such low concentrations that it has very little effect on this. Phillips 66 in fact has a oil called Xamax which has the same stoicheometry as gasoline.

the higher ratios when heated would flame/burn quicker, and produce less smoke.
That may be true, but it kind of proves my point. Would this same mixture do the same thing in the ring belt area?

and produce less smoke.
Almost all oils are low smoke now days. synthetics will even smoke less than Opti.
BTW what products did you sell/rep for?
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Originally posted by Saw Man
A company the makes the water tubes for fire ladder trucks will only use Optimol Longista grease. It is the only grease they provide to the fire companies. They were a good account.

Somewhere in my boxed up "files' I have some Optimol tech lit.
If you'd like I'll send some to you. Will take a while to find.

did you work for opti?:confused: if you didn't who or what is your source?
Let's clear up some questionable "bias".

Started with on of the very first synthetics over 20+ years ago.
US brand name was EON 11. Even back then there were skeptics .

At one time I didn't work for or with either Amsoil, or Optimol Oil Werke. But I did sell against both of them in the OPE industry.
I learned that they produce a very good product. Do what they say.

Note, that I'm defending former competitors. Read that again.

Later, I worked with the North American Importer/ Distributor of Optimol when the opportunity came up. Was sucessful at it because companies knew while it was a competitor of mine, I treated it properly as the good product it was. It still is.

Facts are what is important.

PS: That isn't the patent !!!!! This additive has been out for almost thirty (30) years!

It's is only one of the patents. Try researching Optimol Oil Werke. They have been in business for 60+ years.

What is important to this post is the apparent disregard for other products, and concepts that work.

Don't like 100:1, then tell Castrol that the Super TT doesn't work, for over 10 years. They now own Optimol. Must be good if they bought it.
Tell 'Murphy 4 trees' his equipment ,isn't working (and others).
Tell Yahmaha, Komatsu, Zenoah, Echo, Oregon it's no good.

Heck, please don't tell the president of a company that his 182 Sky Lane engine is shot from using Amsoil.
Well, don't tell him the next time we're flying.

It's no big secret you can reduce 'smoke in heavy ratios. just check out American Lubricating. Been doing it for years.

Oil most certainly does affect pollutants thru combustion.
HC's are only one. What about NOX or even Particulants?

If anything is evident, there is a certain bent against Amsoil, other similar products, ie., leaner ratios, etc.
I'm not going to change your mind, so if you want to sent me a sample of your favorite lube that you seem to be promoting,....Please feel free to do so. I'd like to try it.

Heck, I'll buy it from you. Always good to learn.

I'm not sell any lube!!!! Just trying to defend the facts. But, I'll let the people who are using all those other products out there be all the evidence, and judge for themselves.
Its a apparent to me that this has turned into a verbal circle jerk. You are wrong on the smoke and emmisions issue. Further more you seem to think I have a vendeta against amsoil and opti. I do not. The thing I have a problem is ther total BS marketing(check out optis website). Further more none of the companys you mentioned reccomend a 100:1 . If they do, it is not in this country. My point of view is shared by the majority of the two stroke tuners and is back up with peer reviewed data(ie sae papers published by Mac and others). To the contrary your opinion seeme to be backed by the marketing dept of some less the truthful, slick 50 type companies. Show me some peer reviewd research and or some technical data to support your claims or remain silent. The gauntlet has been thrown down.
The gauntlet is on your hand. It is the glove of research, and accuracy.

Please check out:
> The correct Optimol patent
>American Lubricating's 'smokeless' oil. Not lean ratios. Not new.
>The packaging of Opti 2. It will be 72:1, and 100:1
>Castrol Super TT 100:1
>Amsoil packaging
>Quaker State, they bought Slick 50
>California Air resource Board (CARB)
>Outdoor Power Equipment Manufacturers Association (OPEMA)

Their empiracial research, and the investment of millions of $$$, should make a better spokesman that I am to you.

I hope you'll do that on your own. You have made statements that are partially correct. I'm not going to chase you around if you can't do some research on your own (I followed your patent search suggestion).

If you can't do that, well we'll just have to disagree. But all those people using things that work, might just say, "they do know how it works, but it does".

How about we swap oils? I go buy some Opti 2 for you, and you send me some Motul. I'm sure it must be good. I never heard of it, but, that's ok. Heck, they never heard of me either.
I have checked all of your"sources before with the exception of castrol. never heard of tt, tts maybe?
None of the things you have mentioned constitute proof in my. I want test data that proves a 100:1 ratio will show equal wear and deposit performance to a product designed for normal mix ratios. Ill give you a hint there is none.How about some ISO or jaso test data? Amsoil is isnt tested, opti maybe if castorl did indeed buy them out. BTW Are you aware that in order to meet is egd test specs a oil must pass the low smoke test? As for the swap ok with me. Im not stuck on motul though I also use mobil mx2t.
:D lol, what a p!ssing match this has turned into!

I always tend to think of this topic from the following standpoint; If the product yields performance and/or longevity gains it will be used in racing. In the world of 2 Stroke engines this would most commonly be motorcycle racing. I am somewhat familiar with MX racing circles here in the US and Europe. Opti 2 is a name that has never come up, and I certainly dont know of anyone using it in this field. I saw Amsoil used by some, Motul synthetics I have seen used especially in roadracing cycles in Europe - with success, they have been there as long as I can remember 20 years at least.

I dont know about Optis' secret formulations but all successful 2 Stroke racers in the forementioned fields use synthetics exclusively and I know they dont use 100:1 ratios even though they could probably get away with it. I know all the tuning gurus here on this site recommend full synthetics at 32:1 ratio.

Just my 2c worth....:angel:
"Slick 50" and "circle jerk"?
Such terms on a chainsaw forum?
I didn't know you 2 were frat boys.
Any paddles with greek letters?
Lambdabert, where art thou?
Deltababcock, I love that girl cartoon.
Sigmatech, how's it going?
Yes Otto, I am drinking again. I will be a mvp shortly.
One must be "Fisherized" first to be capable of passing judgement

Most frat boys are game, with a little peer pressure.
Most of the engineering students were frat boys.....The rest were geeks
However John Wayne is a GOD, even fratboys revere him.

There is nothing evil about the "Fisherizing" process, however
it does involve some hard liquor and a priest.

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