Using Ascenders to Access the Canopy

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Cookie Monster

ArboristSite Lurker
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
Gloucester Virginia
I can footlock but I do not have an impressive amount of wind. Some of our trees in Virgina are a little tall. I was wondering if any of y'all use ascenders to access the canopy on a regular basis. I find that I have a lot more energy once I get to the top if I enter the tree this way. If you do use ascenders what system do you use? Mar-Bar, Frog, Sit-Stand. Which ones do you find to be the most Efficient /Economical? Thank you for your opinions.
I will use an ascender on my rope while using a lockjack to get back into the canopy if im away from the stem,or with a blakes if im not to stem on initial ascent.
I do it this way as i cant footlock to save my life.
i use a handeled ascender with a rope loop attached that i slide my foot inso when i stand up i pull the slack & slide my knot up.A pantin will do the same job.
Originally posted by Cookie Monster
I can footlock but I do not have an impressive amount of wind. Some of our trees in Virgina are a little tall. I was wondering if any of y'all use ascenders to access the canopy on a regular basis. I find that I have a lot more energy once I get to the top if I enter the tree this way. If you do use ascenders what system do you use? Mar-Bar, Frog, Sit-Stand. Which ones do you find to be the most Efficient /Economical? Thank you for your opinions.

Read throught the Kong posts running now. You might find some good stuff.

I have been using a petzel handled ascender w/ footstrap and a pantin, which I learned about on this site. Just recieved some GLeasy bars, can't wait to try them out.
Mike, very well said!

However, it'd be better to say the topic gets confusING, not confused. It isn't the topic that doesn't know what's going on.

Just being a punk. Don't mind girlfriend graduated with a major in english.


ps- seriously though....very well said. It very briefly summarizes all that's been covered in the backing up ascenders thread.
Thanks for all the comments. Are you ascending a single line making a "Rope walking system with the pantin and the foot loop? I have been tieing a running bowline and leaving a long tail so I can pull it back down to me. Have any of you made a Mar-Bar type system with just two handles ascenders? I'm wondering what material would be good for this strong and small enought to fit through the 1/2 inch hole at the bottom of the petzl's. I would like to use this on a single line. Since I'm cheap and don't want to spend $300.00 on the Mar-Bars and I don't have that kind of money right now. THanks -J.E.-
Thank you for your warnings I in no means attempted to brush you off. I do understand that ascenders must be backed up by a prusik above them. When footlocking two ropes they move in two directions and footlocking one will send you to the ground regardless of the fact you have a prusic attached. The same applys for acenders if one becomes unattached you will hit the ground hence the two prusics above the Kong. My main interest was if any of you use a ascender system to gain acess to the canopy and what worked best for you. Thank you -J.E-
Originally posted by Cookie Monster
Are you ascending a single line making a "Rope walking system with the pantin and the foot loop? I have been tieing a running bowline and leaving a long tail so I can pull it back down to me. Have any of you made a Mar-Bar type system with just two handles ascenders? I'm wondering what material would be good for this strong and small enought to fit through the 1/2 inch hole at the bottom of the petzl's. I would like to use this on a single line. Since I'm cheap and don't want to spend $300.00 on the Mar-Bars and I don't have that kind of money right now. THanks -J.E.-

If you perform a search of "pantin" you shall find what you're looking for on that front.

The GLeasy bars are a Mar-Bar like system for $56 + CMIascenders/backup of choice:rolleyes: You'd need to go to "TreeBuss" and email/pm Klimingfool to get a set.
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Thanks for the info. I found a pretty detailed description from Rocky on your system. I'll look around some more Thanks for the heads up on were to find the gear. -J.E.- (What kind of back up do you use for your system?)
I just got of the phone with klimbingfool from t r e e b u z z at he's sending over the bars. I'll order two of the 48 dollar CMI ascenders from Sherrill and be done with it. I think this'll be a good setup.

klimbingfool mentioned that the bars he makes are made to fit the CMIs. He's got a friend that put them in the Petzls, but had to bore out the holes on the petzls first. If you wanna do it without the fuss, get the CMIs.

Currently backed up with a friction hitch/micropulley binered to floating D, a second tress cord attached to the ascender helps pull the knot up. Think a mechanical micro-ascender would be a more safe choice in that position though, in case the upper ascender failed.
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Originally posted by Mike Maas
And Gens (pardon the grammer), talk a bit about the bidirectionallity of the two ropes, and how they affect the backups.
Shouldn't ever be any more than momentary bidirectional rope movement.  In fact, if it's not total (dual) ascender failure, the differential rope movement is what triggers the hitch(es) into action.  Each side of the compound hitch acts independently to maintain equilibrium of the (DdRT) ropes.
