Oh, I got away pretty light with that, Clearance didn't even get up me but dobbed his mate in for a 25KV burn.
around these parts you'd be pretty hard pressed getting an energy company to do that task if the "parts" are outside the exclusion zone.
And frankly, that was basic rigging.
Also, you guys assumed he didn't have the experience or skill, but I knew from his diagrams and ideas (inc figure 8) that he wasn't stupid, and here's some supporting evidence.
What he needed was coaching and confidence.
And yes, I'm certified to work around power so I'm not blowing it outta my backside.
If he tip tied it, butt tied it and even cut completely through the hinge he was safe. There was the other rigging options, an "A-Frame" balance with a tag line for a slew or direct vertical lift (bulletproof). He could have cut the notch, put in the backcut and got well away, no worries. Heck, he could've even put the pulley way up the trunk and just pulled that sucker straight up and cut it at the trunk.
Bykerkyle did give us some numbers so I'll work with the worst case scenario, we also dont know the species so I'll pick the heaviest wood for worst case scenario. Also, we wont consider that there is taper on the branch but that may balance out the foliage factor.
4" dia x 10' long has to be converted to cu ft.
3.1416 x (0.1666 x 0.1666) x 10 = 0.872 cu ft and if you dont believe my math you can use this
Live oak is the heaviest @ 76lbs per cu ft (source:The Art & Science of Practical Rigging p158/159)
So, 0.872 x 76lbs = 66.3lbs ... that's all that branch weighs.
So we got a 66lb branch that's 10' long 10' above the wires ... big deal! And that's worst case scenario. Now I assume that's to his green cutting line on the diagram. With some of the above options he could've taken the whole branch (tip tied)in one hit straight up with a pulley on the trunk up high ... it is a removal and he could have removed the branches above that one for room to do a full lift.
Now put all of this into perspective and you can see that there was no reason for the big flashing lights and sirens.
