supreme scrounger
How long until people figure out that their part of North America is not the whole globe?
View attachment 392631
Chris-PA, something about that map you provided just looks messed up. I know it's meant to show temp differences and all against the averages for like the last, what, 20...maybe 30 years?

There's this -30+ below average cold air being funneled into the mid west and northeast by, what, a jet stream that's considered normal or even above normal for this time of year? I can understand the tropics being so warm with them being on the equator and all. But I thought in order to have below average temps being fed in by a jet stream, you'd have to have well below average temps further north fueling that cold air, but from the looks of that map, that doesn't look possible, unless I'm missing something here? I think a lot of the people on here can get behind the climate change thing, as that's been happening since the earth was formed (and probably with a lot more dramatic upheavals) than we could imagine. I think what gets these guys pizzed off the most when they hear *global warming*, and later when it became *advanced global warming*, but the brainwashers in power couldn't get people behind the "advanced" part, so instead they just call it *climate change* now, because it's a broad brush stroke that can explain everything that's been happening on the earth since day 1. So now we've got guys like Al Gore telling us not to so much as fart, because the polar bear will have to swim an extra 20 miles to find the next nearest chunk of ice to sit on while hooking a seal out of the water for food, all the while ferrying himself on his own private jet to his next appearance where he'll get a nice chunk of money to pay for another multi-million dollar mansion. Add to that he seems to be passing the torch to Al Gore junior now, oops, I meant Leonardo DiCaprio, who also ferries himself out to appearances via private jet to add another mansion to his roster, and you can start seeing why guys on here don't wanna hear about it. Don't get me wrong man, I know climate change is real. I just don't think we have nearly as devastating an impact on it as these clowns would have us believe. Hopefully I didn't get anyone too riled up with my rant. If so, I apologize in advance.