Vine maple

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John from Cle Elum

At some point a decision will have to be made.
Jun 9, 2014
Reaction score
Washington State
I am at war with a vine maple infestation. I have cut it back but each spring it starts to sprout again. It's getting old. I am thinking of going to chemical weapons. Anyone have any thoughts on the effectiveness and/or the drawbacks of using a herbicide to control the thickets. I was thinking of something like Roundup that degrades quickly. Is there a better herbicide to use? First question though, is it even advisable without doing any damage to the nearby trees (firs, larch and hemlock) or local insects? I have a couple of beehives on the property.

Cut the trees low and immediately paint the stumps with full strength 2, 4-D. No spraying, nothing airborne, no cross contamination, and they won't come back. Consumer herbicide that uses that active ingredient is Crossbow. Read the label carefully for PPE.
Save those vine maple for the grandkids!
Between the ages of 5 and teens my GKs thought vine maple thickets were the best playground ever. Climb 20 ft up, grab another about the right size and spring to the ground. etc..
I have never used Round Up on Vine Maple, but there isn’t much that Schitt won’t Kill

The #1 rule with Round Up, is mix it per the directions. DO NOT, “Mix it Strong, to work Better” I have heard Many people deride Round Up, and say it doesn’t work. When I asked them if they mixed it AS DIRECTED, they say, “I even mixed it Extra Strong” There is where they went wrong.

With Round Up, if you mix it too strong, it will “Burn Out” the leaves before the chemicals get to the Roots, and Kill them. So people kill off the leaves, but the roots are still Viable, and regenerate the unwanted plants.

I have used Round Up MANY Times to kill Blackberries after being told repeatedly, that it “Doesn’t Work on Blackberries“

I don’t know if Round Up is The Right Answer to your problem, but the stuff does work, when used Properly

Doug :cheers:

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