Sorry for my slacking keeping you up to date, life has been busy. As you will see in the following photos, Iowa weather can be somewhat variable this time of the year.
16 November
23 November, contractor had to move one of the tile inlets that will direct the runoff from the roof to the storm sewer, this one ended up right in the middle of the door way.
27 November, progress on the trusses and sheathing.
28 November, we had a dusting of snow. Trusses are almost all up an they are getting ready to put the decking in the attic.
30 November, starting to take some shape. I hope to see the dormers framed up and the rest of the sheathing on next week.
Decking up in the attic. I will have a lot of storage space up there.
Additional decking in the area of the dormers, you can also see where the drop down ladder will be. This is in the shop area. I do believe the structure will be very stout.