vt and a hitch climber

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At least the eyes on my hitch cord are spliced...

I was considering stitching an eye into my climbing line, I have a load of waxed sailmakers twine, stitch about 3" and then whip it all tight and put a clear shrink wrap over it. ???

No, Bermie! Don't do it!

If I understand you correctly, you are talking about a side by side stitching of the end of the rope to the main line to form an eye?

The only thing holding the load would be "however strong the thread was" holding 1/2 of the load on the eye. Since I know you would not climb on a rope made out of handwoven sailmakers twine, you shouldn't climb on an eye whose main strength is the same material.

A well made splice does not need ANY string to whip it, bind it, or otherwise hold it together under a load. The string is there to keep it from coming apart when it is not in use, bouncing around in the truck. A splice captures the strength of the rope to grip itself into not slipping. You can't get that with any amount of stitching.
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Notwithstanding Ghillies fine looking efforts, he is just a recent newcomer to splicing. Check out Moray's many threads on splicing; he has been testing to destruction many different splices.

Well that goes to show you what I know about splicing. I thought Ghillies' splices looked good though. I do know that I wouldn't want to climb on anything I spliced unless I did some serious studying on the subject. I buy mine prespliced from Sherrill.
Thanks for the concern guys...I only thought about stiching an eye, never got past the thought stage! I WON"T DO IT....'kay?

I used to do all the eye splices on our boat, we had 10 halyards all of 1/2" double braid so I know about splicing, just haven't done it for quite while, I'd need to practice some before I spliced my climbing line! I would still whip the throat of the splice, just something I got used to when sailing, mind you we used to load those halyards and eyes with probably 500lbs or more on the electric winch to keep the luff tight. They'd be up like that for weeks at a time on a passage, and used for years before replacing! A real testament to rope construction and splicing efficiency.

As for stitched eyes, I do have a couple of split tails that are stitched only, but as DMc said they are done to a very specific standard and CE tested and certified...certainly nothing I could emulate!
Bee-line eye&eye

I currently use a prusik to climb but as my skill level has grown i find this know slows me down, jams alot, also tried a mechanical acender but dont like not being able to release under load. Would like to try the vt, was thinking of 5/16 inch bee-line eye & eye prusik 24inches long. does anyone have an opinion i know custom is probably the way to go but i've never spliced and dont know anyone who can or i would trust.
I currently use a prusik to climb but as my skill level has grown i find this know slows me down, jams alot, also tried a mechanical acender but dont like not being able to release under load. Would like to try the vt, was thinking of 5/16 inch bee-line eye & eye prusik 24inches long. does anyone have an opinion i know custom is probably the way to go but i've never spliced and dont know anyone who can or i would trust.

Ha, The prussic must be a Georgia thing. That's what a lot of the old timers climb on there. That's what I climbed on for years as well. It does have a tendency to jam up when you shock it or lean into it very hard. I just started climbing on the VT and it's a really slick climbing not. Look up the friction hitch thread. Lots of info there. You can order spliced eyes from Sherrill. I tie my own eyes with scaffold/double fisherman's knots. I'm glad I decided to go that route to begin with because the prussic cord I had was way too long. After I figure out what length cord works best for me I might order spliced eye on the next one I buy.
tree md

thanks i'll do exactly that, when i have a lenght figured out what would be a good choice for a cord, i climb on Sampson true blue but have considered changing to a liter Sampson rope.
thanks i'll do exactly that, when i have a lenght figured out what would be a good choice for a cord, i climb on Sampson true blue but have considered changing to a liter Sampson rope.

That question would probably be best answered by someone with more experience. I just started climbing on a prussic cord and have only used HRC so far. I used to climb on true blue when I first started out. I switched over to safety blue a couple years later then bought a poison ivy rope two or three years ago. I still climb on the safety blue sometimes but mostly use the poison ivy rope. I think I am going to check out the lava rope next.
I have been switching over from blakes and taut to distel set up. While doing so I bought a HRC with barrel knots just to give me the option of playing with the length until I found what I wanted. I am now using Distel with 26" cord (cut to length and retied) worked out real well for me.
Splicing is kind of fun, yet frustrating too. If you got no patience, I wouldn't suggest it. If you like physical challenges, knowing how to do things for yourself, I recommend the splicing kit from Samson.

Warning: it can be addictive.

I agree; Ghillie's splices looked factory-fine!

Thanks guys for the compliments on my splices.

And by no means am I trying to say (or imply) I am an expert.....at anything.

My feeling is that "expert" implies that you are at the pinnacle of your education and I feel I am constantly learning new things everyday. They day I stop searching for more knowledge, will be approximately 3 days before my funeral.

That being said.... Yes it is extremely addictive!!!
thanks i'll do exactly that, when i have a lenght figured out what would be a good choice for a cord, i climb on Sampson true blue but have considered changing to a liter Sampson rope.

I am going to try Icetail on Velocity. Both an eye and eye prusik and a tied on prusik. The eye and eye splice on icetail thickens the cord and may not grip on 7/16" but it seems to work well on 1/2".

If you tie your prusik, the cord will be smaller and (hopefully) better performing on the smaller diameter climbing line.

I have not tried BeeLine or HRC though.
thanks for the info fellers (get it) as stated earlyer thinking of going to liter rope, that being said any suggestions for on 1/2 inch rope choice for use with vt as i may just buy whole new set up (rope and cord). Also any thoughts on smaller dia rope for use with vt are welcomed as I only have experience with 1/2 inch rope (true blue) and climbed once on black max rope. I know a lot is personal pref. but i dont have a lot of $$$ to throw away playing around with diff set ups so not against copying another more experienced climbers and gladly welcome any advice that comes with it.
thanks for the info fellers (get it) as stated earlyer thinking of going to liter rope, that being said any suggestions for on 1/2 inch rope choice for use with vt as i may just buy whole new set up (rope and cord). Also any thoughts on smaller dia rope for use with vt are welcomed as I only have experience with 1/2 inch rope (true blue) and climbed once on black max rope. I know a lot is personal pref. but i dont have a lot of $$$ to throw away playing around with diff set ups so not against copying another more experienced climbers and gladly welcome any advice that comes with it.

Stihlhere, just to clarify my earlier post:

I am going to try Icetail on Velocity. Both an eye and eye prusik and a tied on prusik. The eye and eye splice on icetail thickens the cord and may not grip on 7/16" but it seems to work well on 1/2".

If you tie your prusik, the cord will be smaller and (hopefully) better performing on the smaller diameter climbing line.

I have not tried BeeLine or HRC though.

I was using the term "prusik" as a generic term for climbing hitch (wether vt, distel or one of the many other choices). After re-reading some of this thread this morning, I realized it may cause some confusion because it appears you are switching from climbing on the prusik hitch.

Sorry for the confusion, I had just been doing some confined space training yesterday and my mind wasn't completely switched back over to tre climbing.

BTW, as far as 1/2" rope, I have climbed with the distel on Hi-Vee, and XTC, both 16 strand, and am happy with the abrasion resistance and general performance.

I was climbing on true blue for a while with a tautline but haven't compared any of the other climbing hitches on true blue.

No confusion I call It all prusik cord no matter what the hitch. thanks for the feed back. I just got my bucket truck put back together today (bent rod from rain water down the breather setting in my yard ,really sucked) and now time to put hydraulic pump and motors in skid steer when i finish i will purchase new rope and prusik/vt cord and post results may be a little while. again i'm pretty new here but have learned more at this site than from the all the guy's in my area including the one who got me started.:greenchainsaw:
thanks for the info fellers (get it) as stated earlyer thinking of going to liter rope, that being said any suggestions for on 1/2 inch rope choice for use with vt as i may just buy whole new set up (rope and cord). Also any thoughts on smaller dia rope for use with vt are welcomed as I only have experience with 1/2 inch rope (true blue) and climbed once on black max rope. I know a lot is personal pref. but i dont have a lot of $$$ to throw away playing around with diff set ups so not against copying another more experienced climbers and gladly welcome any advice that comes with it.

I climb on XTC-Plus 1/2" 16 strand, and have used a 1/2 split tail blakes, then ice tail in a distel, then the VT and hitchclimber. All the friction hitches work well on XTC, I find as my rope is now more worn and 'fuzzy' the icetail VT releases well on it and doesn't jam like either some 1/2" or bee line.
XTC is not too expensive either!
My feeling is that "expert" implies that you are at the pinnacle of your education and I feel I am constantly learning new things everyday. They day I stop searching for more knowledge, will be approximately 3 days before my funeral.

That being said.... Yes it is extremely addictive!!!

Well said Ghillie. I agree, you have to try and learn at least one thing each day, makes life interesting and well worth looking forward to next day. Things change so much, techniques, tools, etc.. that it is not hard to find something new.. and this is one of the best places I have found to pick up new ideas.

Big thanks to all for that!!
thanks for the info fellers (get it) as stated earlyer thinking of going to liter rope, that being said any suggestions for on 1/2 inch rope choice for use with vt as i may just buy whole new set up (rope and cord). Also any thoughts on smaller dia rope for use with vt are welcomed as I only have experience with 1/2 inch rope (true blue) and climbed once on black max rope. I know a lot is personal pref. but i dont have a lot of $$$ to throw away playing around with diff set ups so not against copying another more experienced climbers and gladly welcome any advice that comes with it.

Well rope can be kind of personal. But I use Yale XTC Plus 1/2" for most of the climbing. Always found to be good dollar value. (BTW I use primarily XTC 5/8" and 3/4" Bull rope - which is good value as well I think)
No confusion I call It all prusik cord no matter what the hitch. thanks for the feed back. I just got my bucket truck put back together today (bent rod from rain water down the breather setting in my yard ,really sucked) and now time to put hydraulic pump and motors in skid steer when i finish i will purchase new rope and prusik/vt cord and post results may be a little while. again i'm pretty new here but have learned more at this site than from the all the guy's in my area including the one who got me started.:greenchainsaw:

Same here! Ain't it great!