nice build pa.hunter! I started with an alaskan mk III, built my own mini mill, and then bought a timberjigg. All the time looking for the most effective way to turn logs to useable lumber or other things with a chainsaw. being on a treefarm affords a rich supply of raw material, i like the speed of a BSM, but i favor the overall versatiliy, portability, and less expense a CSM offers. I was going to build something along the lines of your build, but the opportunity to buy a Bumblebee CSM presented itself, so that is what I have, and i am very impressed with its simplicity, and especially the speed it offers! With the same B/C setup that you use for a Logosol (.050", 63PMX chain),
it mills faster than the M8, IMO, primarily due to the angle of the bar to the log during the cut, plus the dogging system on it is very secure and simple. Being able to mill with the bar vertical is aslo a plus, from what I have seen and experienced . All that aside, I think you will really like your mill. I found mine by checking craigslist often, and tho it was not exactly in my backyard, it was worth the trip to get it! good luck with yours, and I cant wait to see pics!