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ArboristSite Guru
Dec 21, 2002
Reaction score
perhaps the wrong forum, and perhaps worthy of a poll but...
What do you guys use to waterproof your boots? I like a good coat of Danner boot dressing, quick pass with a hairdryer (dont tell my wife what I am using it for) and then a coat of mink oil and another pass with the hair dryer. I try to do it every 2 or 3 weeks during the wet.
Butch is right, beeswax is good, hell, it's even in WD-40.

Get yourself some SnowSeal, put the boots in 120d oven for about 10 mins. Take 'em out and liberally apply SnowSeal and let dry overnight

Works good in all weather, but REALLY well in the cold.

I've always heard using heat to dry yur boots was the worst thing you could do to em. I wouldn't worry so much about cheap boots, but high dollar(like WesCo) ones I would keep outta the heat.

I dry mine in front of a fan, overnight. They are usually dry by morning.
Second on the Gore-Tex, Rocky. I work in a rainforest. Used to be I'd coat my boots with this and that and inevitably still have wet feet by lunchtime. Now I've got some sturdy Asolo hikers with the Gore-Tex. I've never done a thing to them and my feet are always dry.
Actually, the beewax application is good for only one day. I like it mainly for walking through early morning dew-wet grass. It keeps the boots dry til everything dries up. I also wear three pairs of socks. I start with two when the boots are new, and as they age and wallow out a bit, I wear the third pair.
brock2saws got it right. warm, not hot oven, then snow seal. soaks in bigtime. i wear vasque sundowners with goretex. repeat applications over time toughens the leather. maybe the heat is bad for the glue on sole, but so is climbing.