We need a SEAL Team...

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just wait until we pic an S.A.S team then well be in for some fun :D..trouble with a SEALS team is we'll get too much ''FRIENDLY CUTTING'' :angry:
Originally posted by ROLLACOSTA
just wait until we pic an S.A.S team then well be in for some fun :D..trouble with a SEALS team is we'll get too much ''FRIENDLY CUTTING'' :angry:

I wouldnt worry about the friendly cutting so much as the down time taken for the pretty boy photo ops with the seals. Your right on the SAS part. Never worked with those chaps, but I did work with 3rd Para, Those chaps are spot on.

A team of high speed Brits, US army Spec Ops doing tree work? Where do I sighn up. I guess this makes MB the local fat boy recruiter. LOL

Originally posted by OutOnaLimb
I wouldnt worry about the friendly cutting so much as the down time taken for the pretty boy photo ops with the seals. Your right on the SAS part. Never worked with those chaps, but I did work with 3rd Para, Those chaps are spot on.

A team of high speed Brits, US army Spec Ops doing tree work? Where do I sighn up. I guess this makes MB the local fat boy recruiter. LOL


Add in Farce, er I mean Force Recon too;) Those SEAL boys spent too much time at the salad bar. Never "worked" with them but was on several of the same ships. Prima Donna aint the word for it:rolleyes:

I've got a list of names and numbers to call on for big tree work that will pay good money. Most of these guys are doing 3-500 a day as it is now.

After the last hurricane we were doing 80-100/hr.
Hey JPS, My groundie and I are ready for any rapid deployment for storm work, I will send you my phone number in case anything hits with in 18 hrs drive time from me. We were just talkin about storm chasing the other day and I have a warning order written up for the occasion. I cleaned house when Lili hit Layfayette La. Im kinda busy here at the moment, but Hurricane season runs about the same time as my slow season here in Colorado.

And your right about the SEALs. To much time in the gym and tanning beds. LOL

Once again you're all up in the koolaid and don't know what the flavor is. As for all of you hapless souls who only wish you had the intestinal fortitude and perseverance to become a SEAL, jealousy will get you nowhere. The SAS, Army Special forces, Rangers, etc. aren't bad operators......They're just not as adept as team guys. Maybe it's because their training lacks the necessary attrition motivation that allows the mediocres to get through.
As far as the Prima Donna comments go, it's very hard not to believe you're the best in the world when every History/Discovery channel show, magazine, news report, movie, etc. says you are. As a graduate of BUD/S class 210 and having served at SEAL Team 5 I am qualified to make these statements.

I'm sure this post will be followed by a plethora of half-wit statements and opinions.

Don't take this in a negative way, that's not my intention. :)

After reading your comments about the TV shows rating the SEALS as #1 I did a mental tally. It seems that most of the shows that I've seen are about the SEALS. I don't mean to take anything away from any of the s/f people. It would seem that maybe the SEALS have the best PR people or maybe that they are the ones chosen to be made public.

Like I said a while ago, the fellow who was the lead guide when I took a mountaineering class from Amer. Alpine Inst. said that all of the SEALS that did the course were fit and able to do everything. Not always in good alpine style but they got the job done.

Tree Machine--that looked like a great basis for our menu...I do many of those items already, and well...except for that "tiger penis soup"...you can forget that one in MY galley!!! :eek:
xander ..there are no mediocres in the SAS! and what you have got so blatenly wrong is the thing about team players ..team players is exactly what they are ..brilliant team work is what makes them rank along side any special forces including SEALS

Originally posted by ROLLACOSTA

Well alrighty then. :cool:

Originally posted by aussie_lopa
aust S.A.S ''who dares wins'' :cool:
Roger that, Come big, or dont come at all!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, and if your gonna be a bear? Be A F*ckin Grizzly.!!!!!!!

Originally posted by MasterBlaster
I'll put my money on a SEAL TEAM any freaking day. I've know a few... quite cool guys.

You would be better off putting money into the movie production of the SEALS movie. If your lucky, Brad Pitt can play MB. SEALs are all Hollywood dude.
I have been around this block, for 8 fricken years. Ya get a team started up with Chris Ryan as the team leader, let him Kick Dick Marchanchos a$$ and you have quite a party.
