Wearing shorts

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See all those replies rope? Shorts are stupid and unprofessional. This isn't the seventies. Drink water.
Ok now listen one last time, spending 1 2 maybe 4 days in your life at 100 does not qualify you to even post about heat. We have had years with 57 or more days high nineties and up. I spent most of my life in Texas which was even worse. Now when I was a punk kid I wore jeans 16 hours a day in it. Yes it can be done, however; after spending two days in the hospital with kidneys shut down to 28% qualifies me to speak on heat. I wear shorts maybe 5 days in a year 105 plus i have them on and if ANYONE tried to call me unprofessional or whistle or what have you, they just could be in dangerous territory. Btw when I was carried off in the ambulance it was the end of the day 119 actual and 50% humidity and we had guzzled water all day. I have been to 15 to 20 first aid classes throughout my career and been trained to recognize heat exhaustion. I was sweating all day but forgot another symptom, I had not peed for the whole day and felt terrible from start to finish. The doctor told me it was 15 strait days over 100 and I was dehydrating for over a week. He flat told me to wear shorts in those extremes or stay home. Again; come here in the dog days I'll give you a new perspective on this subject sonny:rolleyes:
I've spent summers in Idaho (120*), Houston, TX, San Antonio, & North Carolina... have never worn shorts.

It was 85* here today, 105* in the sun. I cut and stacked wood most of the day, and spent the rest working on equipment. In pants.
Am I sweaty? Yup, but I can work up a sweat at 50* if I move around quick enough.

Did I drink 1/2 a case of bottled water? Yup.

Am I going to wear shorts? Nope, aside from my undies.. in bed.

I couldn't imagine the amount of sawdust and dirt that'd go in my boots if I didn't have pants on. It's bad enough as is.
I've worn pants and long sleeves in temps over 120°

Worn Kevlar on top of it all in 115° on a gray concrete roof for six hours one time. That was hell.

It isn't the clothes, or lack of them that get you through the heat, it's conditioning your body and staying hydrated. If you start your day with coffee and end your day with beer the heat will be far harder on you.
Spending rare time in heat hardly qualifies you to speak about it. I don't drink coffee and gave up alcohol in 1995.
In my area shorts would look unprofessional. I would say though that it's probably a regional thing as well though. I can see that where Rope lives that it would be an accepted practice by the residents. I also can't see Rope out there climbing in a pair of gym shorts. I'm also gonna guess that on the days that are "hot" , one would tend to pic a more suitable job for shorts. Stumps, loading wood, final cleanup, light pruning maybe?
We don't get the long heat spells like you southern guys but we definatly get the humidity. Yesterday was low 90's with around 85% humidity. I was working at home and soaked through everything within the first hour. I drank two gallons of water in four hours and continued about half that for the next four. I also drink 32 ounces of Gatorade every morning and before bed. I'm thinking of switching to Pedialite to cut back on the sugar.
Rope have you ever heard of coolvest?
Been thinking about getting one and I know quite a few arbs around the country that love them. A bit pricey but could be well worth it
Ok now listen one last time, spending 1 2 maybe 4 days in your life at 100 does not qualify you to even post about heat. We have had years with 57 or more days high nineties and up. I spent most of my life in Texas which was even worse. Now when I was a punk kid I wore jeans 16 hours a day in it. Yes it can be done, however; after spending two days in the hospital with kidneys shut down to 28% qualifies me to speak on heat. I wear shorts maybe 5 days in a year 105 plus i have them on and if ANYONE tried to call me unprofessional or whistle or what have you, they just could be in dangerous territory. Btw when I was carried off in the ambulance it was the end of the day 119 actual and 50% humidity and we had guzzled water all day. I have been to 15 to 20 first aid classes throughout my career and been trained to recognize heat exhaustion. I was sweating all day but forgot another symptom, I had not peed for the whole day and felt terrible from start to finish. The doctor told me it was 15 strait days over 100 and I was dehydrating for over a week. He flat told me to wear shorts in those extremes or stay home. Again; come here in the dog days I'll give you a new perspective on this subject sonny:rolleyes:
Now YOU listen one more time... I told you, I don't give a **** how you explain it away. It looks unprofessional. Don't care about your excuses or blah blah blah heat. I'd chase you out of my yard, as I'm sure many others would. It wouldn't matter a bit how much you were trying to defend your position on your way down the drive. You'd be eating thin soup on account of those shorts.
Its all about cheap now not professionalism. Sure the guy with the nice bucket and chipper, wearing a uniform looks professional but the guys in the pick up with a trailer made from his old pick up wearing the wife beater is a few hundred dollars cheaper so he's getting the job.

No I don't wear shorts at work but if im not at work i do.
As soon as it's warm enough, I wear shorts every day as does everyone on the crew. Cooler guys, less fatigue and better production. Beat up my legs climbing? Please. Suck it up Nancy. Briars, scratches, poison ivy? Get real. It's part of the job. Look the part? Who said long pants are "the part"? I've never lost a job due to my clothing choice and actually, have been asked a few times by customers why I AM wearing pants on a hot day? (Sometimes the day starts cold and then heats up later)
I don't believe that for a second. OR.. I wouldn't want jobs in whatever mouth breathing part of town you work in..
Spending rare time in heat hardly qualifies you to speak about it. I don't drink coffee and gave up alcohol in 1995.

I lived in Idaho 4 years, was in Houston 4 months, Korea a year, etc.

In any case there's no need for chest pounding or weiner length bragging as is going on here. If you all came here for even a few days and worked in -40* I wouldn't say "well that doesn't count, it was only for a week, so you don't really now what cold is"

I choose to wear pants, in the heat or cold. I hAve no idea what my customers think, I just know I have plenty of repeat customers and word of mouth customers, so I must be doing something right.
Now YOU listen one more time... I told you, I don't give a **** how you explain it away. It looks unprofessional. Don't care about your excuses or blah blah blah heat. I'd chase you out of my yard, as I'm sure many others would. It wouldn't matter a bit how much you were trying to defend your position on your way down the drive. You'd be eating thin soup on account of those shorts.
"Well kid" its been nice but you will never know what a real summer is; so keep pickin them berries of the north. I have spent days on my best customers in shorts not even once heard them snicker "of course they were in shorts too "
Its all about cheap now not professionalism. Sure the guy with the nice bucket and chipper, wearing a uniform looks professional but the guys in the pick up with a trailer made from his old pick up wearing the wife beater is a few hundred dollars cheaper so he's getting the job.

No I don't wear shorts at work but if im not at work i do.
Well guy in shorts pulls out 5k in climb gear and prunes to anzi standard. Guy in bucket wearing pants tops trees in pants. Shorts 1500.00 bucket boy 1200 which is best ?
Now YOU listen one more time... I told you, I don't give a **** how you explain it away. It looks unprofessional. Don't care about your excuses or blah blah blah heat. I'd chase you out of my yard, as I'm sure many others would. It wouldn't matter a bit how much you were trying to defend your position on your way down the drive. You'd be eating thin soup on account of those shorts.
Firstly sunny, I don't run so you aint chasing me anywhere. The offer still stands, come down in dog days sunny and get some real perspective up these 115 foot pines.
Oh, BTW, 12".:fuckyou::laugh:

Edit: Seriously the smiley offered on the site is censored?!
Mouth breather means your an idiot. I guess that flew over your head?!
Ahhh well my eyes they are getting older ya know. As far as idiot and being over my head, if the comment was what my eyes fooled me with, it would of been below my feet. Now you boyz been fun but I believe I will listen to a real professional MD who told me 105 wear shorts or stay home.
I lived in Idaho 4 years, was in Houston 4 months, Korea a year, etc.

In any case there's no need for chest pounding or weiner length bragging as is going on here. If you all came here for even a few days and worked in -40* I wouldn't say "well that doesn't count, it was only for a week, so you don't really now what cold is"

I choose to wear pants, in the heat or cold. I hAve no idea what my customers think, I just know I have plenty of repeat customers and word of mouth customers, so I must be doing something right.
My son lives in alaska, he is always telling me how funny it is when he sees tree guys up there calling a bush a bad tree. He also said Id make a fortune up there and not deal with 100 to 125 foot monsters all day. He says its a captive customer culture.

Oh and I could then talk bad about shorts rotflmfao