Another use for bailing wire?
I was tearing a dolmar saw down and found this beverly hillbiliies repair.View attachment 481611
It might have for a while, but it had loose crank bearings. - it was probably quite out of balance at 9,000rpm. Which may have contributed to the wear on the crank bearings.Did it work?
That's why I am a big believer in cleaning used chains, saws, etc.! To see what you are really getting.That pop-rivet is terrifying. I imagine that would last about 10 minutes. Good eye catchin that before it was too late.
Probably some ham-fisted operator . . . .. . had a bootlace with a pork rib bone for the handle.
Yikes!Necessity is the mother of invention....sometimes.
I got this $1400 saw in not to long ago needing worked on, that had a bootlace with a pork rib bone for the handle.
View attachment 481832 I put it in the dead parts ziploc with a note of appreciation for the ingenuity.
Thats gross.Had a guy bring a saw in, put it on the counter and maggots came crawling out.
He had used it to cut up a moose some time back and never cleaned it. Needless to say, it went back with him!
That's what chipper/shredders are for!!!Thats gross.
Did you look at him;
where's your wife these days?
Yeah! Like Fargo the movie!That's what chipper/shredders are for!!!
Wow. Seen that several times too.Best one I had is a green poulan did start sometimes but didn't run much and would smoke bad when it did run. Out of fuel. Chain on backwards. Ran good once the fuel tank had the fuel in and not the oil tank
Sounds like one of my old mowers. It was so wore out that it ran better on kerosene than it did gas. But it wouldn't start cold on kerosene. Had to soak the air filter in gas. After I got a new mower I drained the oil out of the old mower and over filled it with water and ran it. Thought it was gunna lock up but didn't. Just chew the rod journal out. It's fun Killin engines