A friend of mine wrote a song about trying to adopt a dog. He was at a bluegrass festival, and had been drinking beers a bit. He is a banjo player, and looks the part. So, he and another guy started over to a burger place, to get some food in their tummies. They saw 3 cars, full of little dogs in crates. He said there were righteous women standing and holding some of the little dogs. He proceeded to go over and talk to the righteous women. They informed him in a righteous manner that they had just "rescued" the dogs.
My friend is a Dog Talker. He says he is not a whisperer, he prefers to talk to dogs in a normal voice. He says if he wasn't married, he'd have about 40 dogs. Dogs take to him. He and his wife live out in the middle of the woods, no neighbors, with elk, deer, and cow poop for dogs to roll in. It is a dream place for dogs. They have taken care of all my dogs at times, out on their place and my dogs have acted like they were on vacation. I take The Used Dog out there so my friend can get a Lab fix. He has been a Lab guy but they downsized to a little Schnauzer.
He offers to take a dog off their hands--a terrier type. He likes terriers. They are affronted and point out that he is a complete stranger. They know nothing of his background. They take the dog away and tell him he can apply for adoption at the humane society.
He told me the story and I said those women had prevented a dog from going to the ultimate dog friendly place. Probably the best home ever.