I don't know of anybody around here that pays fallers by the hour. LOL...name three in California who are paying 100 an hour. Hell, just name one that pays that much. If a guy was busheling in big timber on good ground he might make that much but it wouldn't be steady , it wouldn't be every day, and it's probably so far back from the road that they have to camp all week. That's all normal but for 100 bucks an hour a guy might be tempted.
Now, before I call my guys and get their hopes up, tell me about this 500 dollar job you're offering. Answer the same questions I asked in my other post. The name of your company? Are you signing the checks or are you the bullbuck? Will they be running their own numbers? Size of the timber? Will they need to bring trailers? Yarder? Helicopter? If it's helicopter are they gonna fly the fallers in and out? Camp out or drive every day?
A quick reply from you would be welcome. Otherwise some of us are gonna start to think that maybe, just maybe, you're talking through your hat.