West Kentucky GTG 2011

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I brought the restored Poulan 306SA. Since Jeremy is the one who came up with the NOS .325 pitch barracuda chain for it, I thought it was only right for him to try it out. It runs a .325x9 sprocket and runs out pretty good.

The Barracuda chain actually cuts pretty well.

<embed src="http://img191.imageshack.us/flvplayer.swf?f=P9vx" width="320" height="260" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/><br/>
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Thanks for the pics Mark! It was great meeting everyone and yes Sir, Jeremy did a great job hosting this GTG. Thanks to Mitch for helping with the wood and setup!!!

Chris does have a fine collection of big saws. I'm a relative newbie to this saw collecting and truly enjoyed laying my mitts on the nice saws you, he and everyone else let me run.

I'm beginning to see that I need to pay more attention to my bar and chain. I've embarrassed my self by bring good running saws with crappy chains for the last time. :hmm3grin2orange:

Thanks for the lessons and now it's time for this old dog to learn another new trick. Or two.....
Well I got some great pics and video!!!!

But I think Jeremy is gonna have to post them.
Just started unpacking and can't find my camera anywhere!!!:cry::cry::cry:

I just hope HE can find it!

I sure don't want to lose the video of one of those underpowered 6400s pulling a full comp 28" bar and chain in the hardest oak log in the western half of Kentucky!!!!!

Thanks again Jeremy for a FANTASTIC weekend.
Now listen here real close because this is REAL important..........
Take good care of Mitch!
Friends like that only come around a couple of times in the average mans lifetime.
I have been abundantly blessed with a few and I KNOW their value!

I'm beginning to see that I need to pay more attention to my bar and chain. I've embarrassed my self by bring good running saws with crappy chains for the last time. :hmm3grin2orange:

LOL ! dont feel too bad mine had nice sharp chains
but i couldnt keep them running saturday !

thank god they ran good all week on a nice big white oak (next seasons firewood)

thank you jeremy for the hospitality and mitch for getting it set up
and to all who let me play their toys

great to meet you guys

Great pics guys. It was definetly a blast!!!

If I get some time, I will try to download mikes pictures. Gotta go take a nap though, back into the slave cave for a midnight shift tonight....:(
Well I got some great pics and video!!!!

But I think Jeremy is gonna have to post them.
Just started unpacking and can't find my camera anywhere!!!:cry::cry::cry:

I just hope HE can find it!

I sure don't want to lose the video of one of those underpowered 6400s pulling a full comp 28" bar and chain in the hardest oak log in the western half of Kentucky!!!!!

Thanks again Jeremy for a FANTASTIC weekend.
Now listen here real close because this is REAL important..........
Take good care of Mitch!
Friends like that only come around a couple of times in the average mans lifetime.
I have been abundantly blessed with a few and I KNOW their value!Mike

there's a reason for that. Also, I wouldn't feel bad about forgetting something at a GTG. I've done that once or twice (or everytime) myself. Hope you get that camera back, I know how much you love that thing....and with good reason.
Guys, thanks for the photos & vids :msp_thumbup:! I now know what Modified Mark really looks like :).

Where have you been looking? I have been posted on here before.

I really am alot better looking then my avatar! (not saying much LOL) Go back and look at Seans gtg pictures, at least I have lost about 20lbs since then. :msp_tongue:

You should have made the trip Chris, I think I drove at least as far as you would have, at least it feels that way today. :givebeer:
Quit your complaining, you got beat by a 40cc Poulan. :ices_rofl:

Your lucky I didnt have a longer bar for it and I wouldnt have been fighting the handgard on the wood, or it would have been worse.

Your the one who brought a knife to a gun fight. :ices_rofl:

Just messing with you Scott, it was great to meet you!

Besides how do you think the 5100 and 346XP guys feel after getting beat wih a old Partner? LOL

don't worry there will be a rematch someday and i will be more prepared :D,, win or lose it was fun. have to admit it was fair and square
it was good though about the partner
great to meet you and all the other guys too :cheers::cheers:
Jeremy, that Mitch is on the ball! Nice job he's doing.

I just want to say thanks, for putting on a 1st class GTG and for inviting us all to your wonderfull place and your hospitality to us.

It was also great to meet alot of the folks from here! I really enjoyed it. To all the members who got tired of me asking there names, I'm sorry, I was just trying make sure I remember the right name to the faces! Too bad I still can't remember them all this morning.....

I also want to thank Chris/Cbfarmall for riding along on the very long drive. It made it lots more enjoyable that way.

In case you guys didnt take notice, start paying attention to this youg mans collection, he has very quitely aquired a first class collection of very fine desireable classics from several brands.

I think were going to have to start calling him Chris big saw!

I have lots of pictures so I'll start posting a few for now, but I got to get out and start cleaning up some saws and such.

I still remember most from this picture but someone else help me out. What a great group of guys, too bad Mike and I are the only ones who dressed like we lived in the south. :)


sorry,,,i have the better side of this group:biggrin::biggrin:

Definitely worth the long drive to meet all you fellows. I'd do it all over again. At least time all my saws ran right.

I know Mark and I were a little surprised by the weather change heading down to KY. I miss all the greenery although I am seeing more and more shoot up around here.

Now, to find some Parkways in Indiana. They're all over Kentucky.

Chris B.
Definitely worth the long drive to meet all you fellows. I'd do it all over again. At least time all my saws ran right.

I know Mark and I were a little surprised by the weather change heading down to KY. I miss all the greenery although I am seeing more and more shoot up around here.

Now, to find some Parkways in Indiana. They're all over Kentucky.

Chris B.

It was good to see you and that awe inspiring collection of "big thumpers" again Chris.
You know a few more Poulans in that collection would really set it off!LOL
I know that you know a guy that could set you up with a few.

Why do we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway????:dizzy:
