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I thought you said you quit smoking that crap??

Dude! I got a day's work done in three days! Client keeps walking and talking me around while Andy stands looking at stuff asking questions I don't know the answers two and today all the sudden had to once again " re-direct" to jump the chipper for some odd reason I think a cable came loose.

Even before I had my own company nothing could get done without me. I guess that's says a lot about me but damn I had such high hopes.


I scored a nice 32 foot ali ladder from this job, though it smells kinda funny its in fine shape so I sent Andy up it to deadwood with chainsaw. Of course I about broke my back and bashed my knee messing around with that ladder.

Right now I have a lot of clients selling their houses and its turning into a good thing because they keep calling me like a mofo.

I am really getting backed up and stressed, these little nuisance cluster ***** are dragging me down, its a slump and I tell ya the road construction out there right now JESUS! Took over an hour to dump - it 5 miles down the road!
Dude! I got a day's work done in three days! Client keeps walking and talking me around while Andy stands looking at stuff asking questions I don't know the answers two and today all the sudden had to once again " re-direct" to jump the chipper for some odd reason I think a cable came loose.
I love putting my crane in peoples yards we "dead wooded" this decent size willow that is crapping out but we couldn't damage any of the remaining lower growth so here we r.... Not the one at rear of truck its back by the shed

Driving that crane, feeling no pain, No Tree To Big won't you roll yer ball cart ? Just love how ya got er chocked up with that nice shovel. I have the same one, I left it on a client's yard some time ago. I know where it is if ever need it, hope I never do.
Andy got all upset about breaking a flippy cap, a whole ten minute ordeal he was trying to fix. See?
Driving that crane, feeling no pain, No Tree To Big won't you roll yer ball cart ? Just love how ya got er chocked up with that nice shovel. I have the same one, I left it on a client's yard some time ago. I know where it is if ever need it, hope I never do.

Yeah... I think that's a cleanup shovel. Those usually come into play near the end of the job... shortly before the blower. Of course you and Andy are probably still busy stuck on the "which loader should we buy/who's gonna pack the four footer this time/where's that damn "spanner wrench" mode. But that's all good too I guess. Lol
Driving that crane, feeling no pain, No Tree To Big won't you roll yer ball cart ? Just love how ya got er chocked up with that nice shovel. I have the same one, I left it on a client's yard some time ago. I know where it is if ever need it, hope I never do.
The unbreakable red shovels suck for cleaning up the street when it's hot , there all flimsy and bendy ...