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That ***** totally saveable had to be 7-8 years ago our Co flipped a chipper truck they beat the box back most of the way cut the top left corner off and welded in new replaced hood door bumper beat the cab straight fuel tank replaced new mirror and its good as new! They rebuild trucks in far worse shape then urs! Buy back the chipper? Buy a worn out unit and swap parts?
This is what my employee did today. Most likely truck and chipper are totaled. Frame appears to be bent on the chipper. 66 hours.on the chipper. $100k in equipment loss today. Fml. No i gotta fight with the insurance company.
Dam that is f-****** up. Hope the insurance co does their job and replaces your stuff. If their is a bright side at least he did not hit someone else.
Dam that is f-****ed up. Hope the insurance co does their job and replaces your stuff. If their is a bright side at least he did not hit someone else.
This brings up a question I've always had in the back of my mind... You r driving along Bam situation arises u have two options slam into a car or into another of your own trucks which do u do? Obviously every situation is different you might not be in the same lane as your other truck so do u swerve into other Kane to hit ur truck vs the car?

Did I just over think this way too much?
That ***** totally saveable had to be 7-8 years ago our Co flipped a chipper truck they beat the box back most of the way cut the top left corner off and welded in new replaced hood door bumper beat the cab straight fuel tank replaced new mirror and its good as new! They rebuild trucks in far worse shape then urs! Buy back the chipper? Buy a worn out unit and swap parts?
The bed will have to be completely replaced. It is buckled and bowed in so many places. The cab isn't in that bad of shape. Idk maybe they will fix it. I was looking last night for a replacement truck and can't find one for under $40k.
Dealer said if the frame is bent it's totaled. Can't get the tier 3 140 hp deere engine now either so I will have to go to a tier 4 170 hp cummings. Plus can't find a truck simular with the large tool boxes like I had either.

Considering all the fab and rehab guys in here, even if they're fab wanna be's, I'd still look to buy the unit from the insurance folks and try to get a new frame considering everything was bolted or welded onto the frame from the beginning. Tier 4 is gonna be some big bucks.
He was coming down this 1/8 mile long steep hill loaded 3/4 full with mulberry chips towing the 10,012 lb chipper. So he was weighing in around 35,000 lbs total. He said he was in second gear pumping the brakes and he said the brakes gave out. So the retard pulled the parking brake and tried to go right at the "t" intersection. I don't believe he was in second. I am sure he was in 4th. He likes to stick his head his ass at times, so I am guessing that's what was going on. I checked out the brakes and they didn't smell like they got fried and the drums didn't looked glazed. The brakes only had 1000 miles on them.

5 mins before he wrecked he called me to tell me when he turned around earlier that he must of jack knifed the chipper and it bent the jack handle.
Arggggg it's just ugly matter how it happened . Glad he didn't fall out the window and get crushed , guy here rolled a tri axle and lost his left arm because I he was holding the mirror trying not to fall out the window when the truck rolled

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