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What kind of damage do you think it would do to use clean, left over hydraulic oil as bar oil?
What kind of damage do you think it would do to use clean, left over hydraulic oil as bar oil?
We've done it we buy by the barrel and they do a core on the old barrels so normally we run out then don't get a barrel for a day or two so we just use the hydro... how many gallons of the stuff are we talking? plus you will almost guaranteed need hydro as soon as you run it through your saw...
Raised flower beds...blah.

Times getting a little tight are they, doc?

Got a little left in 5 gallon bucket I was going to add to a jug of bar oil just to get rid off plus a couple half used quarts that have been sitting around for years and depressing me.

Years ago I worked at this place where they used old motor oil, every now and then one of those ******* would attempt to put in my saws. I have to say it didn't seem to hurt the saw but the smell was ghastly, almost worse than climbing above a chipper that had dropped a cylinder.

How come it is that when you need hydraulic oil you have to buy 10 gallons and only need 9 and a half? Maybe I should just pour it on my neighbor's cock-a poo?

Went to buy a new pair of dress shoes this morning , it was going Ok till I first set foot in that hell hole complete with yet another overly friendly homosexual. My wife was pointing out shoes she thought I should have ( Almost broke that finger off) while my kid, God bless her heart, filled the aisle floors with shoes she was trying on. We were only in there 7 minutes which is 7 minutes to long. Gay guy asks me for my phone number and asks if I want to receive coupons.

Then the two of them went to softball practice while I drove down and told somebody I would be driving across their lawn and dropping a tree acrost it on Monday and if they had any questions or concerns then they should call the office and talk to Mr. Saville who has been soaking his nose in cheap vodka and olive juice. I wear many hats.

And how come they have six million different flavors of vodka? They got vanilla, cherry, coconut, berry, double berry, triple berry BUT NOT ONE WITH OLIVES? They even have a vodka called ' Three Olives' and not one olive to be found.

Well I am off and dressed in a suit I forgot I even had, going to hob knob with the upper echelon I suppose. Tomorrow I am going to dig out some yucca which I think I finally kilt and drop the loader off for Monday. Won't that guy be surprise when I Murph that ************ right across his lawn?
Gorman, it doesn't hurt to clean the inter cooler also. All your air has to pass through it to cool the radiator. The one at work was doing just what yours is. We pulled both out and power washed them out. It's been over a year and not a sign of overheating since. It wasn't the warmest truck to drive this winter though. Had to slip a piece of cardboard over half of it to get any heat
Sry for double post, it showed that it did not go through...but apparently it did. Can't figure out how to delete one, at the moment.
Hit edit, then click on "delete post". I've done it once or twice in my time here. Lol
That is actually the problem, it is not there. I see it on my other posts...but not on that on. Looked for it on tapatalk and mobile browser. I'll try a computer when I get home.
That's funny, I am gonna be murphing some trees across a gay guys lawn Monday too.. that is if he doesn't find it too disconcerting, of course.

Its not even my client's lawn AND I will be using their trees as anchors. I was going to be respectful, you know; Climb it and bring it down all safe and proper but I guess I will just dig out a fence pole and go caveman.

Just got back from that 'thing' I got all dolled up for. Sitting at a banquet table, some nice folk asked me what I did for a living, I gave him a look and said, " Not much and as little of it as possible". I wasn't trying to be a smart ass, its just that I really try to avoid telling people I am a nasty dirty filthy whore of a tree man that would drive across yer lawn and drop a tree on yer pretty little flower bed if I can help it.
We did a job yesterday for some gay guys....they weren't real concerned about their lawn but god forbid anything happen to their flowers (pansies..go figure) and oversized goldfish in a pond. And if he asked me one more ******* time if his fish were gonna be ok i was gonna bash his skull and stomp his poodle.

We used bio bar oil and covered the pond with plywood and he was STILL worried they were gonna die..he was almost to the brink of tears.
Glad to see the doctor is still alive and kicking. Lol. Been real busy. Just bought out my buddy's portable sawmill business so hopefully I will be even busier.