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I'd like to see a pic of all these 3/4 sheets stacked up on a truck.
Not sure how many is on the trailer, prob about 30 to 35... I saw this getting on the highway and thought about you lol

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Ok so this is an ash tree we cut the other day. It had a very odd trunk had a single heart wood at ground level then aprox 5 or 6 feet off the ground 5 seperate stems all with bark completely around. The a few feet above it went back into a single stem with one heart. Wtf is going on here?

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I free felled 15 feet today when my tip failed. I was basal tied in and he next crotch below caught me literally less than a foot from the ground. The tip of my 201 bar was the only thing that hit dirt. It was pretty scary. Never fell more than 6" before. A cautionary tale.

I think all the rope saved my back. 50' up means 100' of rope absorbing the shock load.
Ok so this is an ash tree we cut the other day. It had a very odd trunk had a single heart wood at ground level then aprox 5 or 6 feet off the ground 5 seperate stems all with bark completely around. The a few feet above it went back into a single stem with one heart. Wtf is going on here?

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By the time a tree has gotten that big it has gone through many types of hells. One hell being man, who probably lopped it off three feet above the ground 85 years ago.

I just put in a fence for a client and left a couple trunks like that. They were on a creek bank and about 5 inch dia. The tops were laden with vines. Not wanting to remove the trees I figured it wouldn't hurt to leave them to help hold the bank in. I had to rip out the old fence and there is still wire in the trunks but they are sprouting now.
I free felled 15 feet today when my tip failed. I was basal tied in and he next crotch below caught me literally less than a foot from the ground. The tip of my 201 bar was the only thing that hit dirt. It was pretty scary. Never fell more than 6" before. A cautionary tale.

I think all the rope saved my back. 50' up means 100' of rope absorbing the shock load.

Yeah, it happens. I have posted pics of some of my sketchy TIPs. It sucks when they break when you are close to the ground. The last one I did the client was asking questions the whole time and I forgot to PRE-LOAD my line, my tip was little suspect and had no back up. It was just on the cusp of needing a back-up crotch.

I was a couple steps up the rope when I remember I didn't pre-load but went ahead anyway while answering the client's questions.

That paradigm comes from climbing on nubs with a back-up crotch below and having the nub hold time after time. Well, every paradigm has to end one way or another.

I do tend pre-load everything. A big ass leaner gets a strong pull to seat the gear then a recheck of parts before any cuts are made.
By the time a tree has gotten that big it has gone through many types of hells. One hell being man, who probably lopped it off three feet above the ground 85 years ago.

I just put in a fence for a client and left a couple trunks like that. They were on a creek bank and about 5 inch dia. The tops were laden with vines. Not wanting to remove the trees I figured it wouldn't hurt to leave them to help hold the bank in. I had to rip out the old fence and there is still wire in the trunks but they are sprouting now.
What I don't get is how the 5 stems grew back into one it's like they all grafted back together...

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What I don't get is how the 5 stems grew back into one it's like they all grafted back together...

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

I've seen this before, pretty sure it was one stem to begin with, with a large wound that rotted through, and the "stems" were the healthy sections that healed over
Had a real knee-slapped today. Bid a 3' Norway maple along with the 6'+ stump at 1700. It was over lines , driveway, and the crotch union was about 5' in diameter. The lad got pissy with me and said they had another like it removed for a grand. I chuckled out loud and informed them what they should be paying for a day rate and how long the job would take.

I don't see that job going anywhere.
You know, just when I think things are getting too serious, and no fun anymore, some lady sends my her contact info. It turns out she lives up on Beaver View Drive. I just sat here laughing for a bit and remembered that I'm still just a dumb treeguy, and proud of it. :laugh:
Had a real knee-slapped today. Bid a 3' Norway maple along with the 6'+ stump at 1700. It was over lines , driveway, and the crotch union was about 5' in diameter. The lad got pissy with me and said they had another like it removed for a grand. I chuckled out loud and informed them what they should be paying for a day rate and how long the job would take.

I don't see that job going anywhere.

When someone says something about something that happened in the past it really doesn't have anything to do with what is happening now.

I suppose its logical to think that it might, like a precedent with with to judge what is going on now.

Truth is that whatever happened the "last time we had a tree removed and it was only 50 bucks" is that the rest of the truth is being omitted because it WAS a fiasco.

Sometimes, when I feel like it, I start asking semi-pointed questions as if I am concerned, after they have answered a few of them they see where it was going and you can see the light bulb go off. You think you're not getting this Norway job cause you were just a little bit of a prick? HAH! Whip it out white boy!

Just was listening to this one ******* complain about the carpet people, I asked, " Well at least did you get a really good price?" She said," Oh yeah, I beat them down!"


She looked like she wanted to really hurt me after that.

But I am doing good, making good yen on land reclamation. Russian olive. I like the smell, I told my helper that I thought that it was him that smelled so good.

I think they use it to line the freeways and also for some barriers on farms. I think it repels insects but is good for wildlife.

Its said to be invasive but I dont' care, I like it enough not to hate it. Going to mow the rest now.

I picked up two honking loads of wood from the wrecked covered bridge. The first load was real nice treated stuff 3"x8"x20 FOOT!

And a huge stack of the grimy floorboard even bigger.

The owner's daughter's husband was out in the dark and rain hand loading them. I went down in the daylight with the tractor.

They were like, " She doesn't like anyone using the tractor."

I was like, "Do I look like anyone?"

Yes, its all true, you get the WHOLE story too.
Loving my new job. Well im doing the same thing but a different company. These boys are hard worker and very professional. I hate slakers. Im 59 I shouldn't be out working 25 year olds.
Im the only english speaking person on the crew, but I know a little spanish so we get bye.

"Im the only english speaking person on the crew"

Well, that's sad...sad and pathetic. Ca. has gone down the toilet.
image.jpeg New rubber bumpers for the grcs. I added the cut in visor plate too. Been meaning to do that for a while. I just gotta straighten out a couple of the fairleads that got bent (years ago) next, and she should be pretty good. I should probably look into a new strap next too.

I finally replaced the spikes on my geckos too - another thing I've been meaning to do for ages.

Gotta do oil changes, etc. at some point, I think one of the trucks needs its annual inspection done.

I gotta run an add to find some better help too. This just isn't working out.