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True and the guys with common sense are starting their own business or staying where they are. I know I'd hate to work in a office every day

I think this new age of slick climbing tools and the advent of specialized and useful tree machines are attracting a good amount of smart tough kids. Its true, after a couple trees with all that gear they think they are king ****. Sucks if they don't find long term careers, top rate is hard to find much less an actual career. I mean, what's the average turn around for a average company? Why is it so quick? I know, you know, we know: Why risk killing yourself in trees when you can do something less dangerous and make either the same of more money? Hell, sometimes even less money is fine because this work is really not a sustainable career unless you really are into it and give it everything you got.

Not only that but who wants to work this hard and risk so much and have to put up with ******** like the ******** that goes on with most tree crews or just even normal everyday ******** people give to each other. The ******** wouldn't be so bad if you could deal with it in a air conditioned office or at least have a fan in the shop and be able to use a damn bathroom when you need to.

Mike Rowe is bringing about change with his TV programs and I tell you I never thought anybody would come out and say the things he is saying. I suppose it took awhile for him to be able to say these things about blue collar careers, people had to get to know, like and trust him before they would even think about the outrageous facts he talks about.
I love my line of work. I'm a old adrenaline junky and I enjoy the challenge and ever changing situations of tree work. I'm making 24 n hr to do maintenance, climb, run equipment, and I am the main operator of the new tracked lift we got a couple months ago.
Yeah supply my own climbing gear and top handle saws. In Minnesota it's not hard finding a company to work for. But seems to be the small companies are the way to go if the owner isn't a full time prick. They are the company's that appreciate what a good employee brings to the table and respect comes from that
Mike Rowe is bringing about change with his TV programs and I tell you I never thought anybody would come out and say the things he is saying. I suppose it took awhile for him to be able to say these things about blue collar careers, people had to get to know, like and trust him before they would even think about the outrageous facts he talks about.
I too enjoy what he has to say. It's hard work that may not be the most pleasant thing at the time but a good clean honest living.
I too enjoy what he has to say. It's hard work that may not be the most pleasant thing at the time but a good clean honest living.

Well, you can take your " good clean honest living" add a few grand and you got yourself a trip to Disneyland.

Think about it this way:

If you are out there breaking your ass, sweaty, filthy, doing hard dangerous things... for a guy who just asked you to lower your price while he is inside making mad profits off the derivatives from the sale of your daughter's house... in his slippers... big fat tubby marshmellow of a guy...

Suddenly the GCHL paradigm is now uh, um, perverted (?).

That's what Mike is saying. I saw him say it on TV. There was difference in his demeanor, opposed to his funny jokes, and I saw he was seriously talking about this.

He said things about how you become a burden when you get out of college and have yet to still pay. He said maybe you should have just got a job doing something useful instead of spending all that time and money learning how to make video games or import cheap goods from subjugated countries to sell on the Home Shopping Network.

And that is who hired him to video all the unpleasant peasants in the horrid jobs that need done or this show don't go on. The TV networks, who will sell you anything they think you want or create a market from knowing you'll buy anything shiny.

He is actually talking communism and in its organic form, which only is defined by the people having control over production. Nothing about what kind of governing body, just who controls production.

Right now its the Mexicans because the whole concept of working is the most distasteful subject on the planet... besides ladders that is.

My horse farm is run on communism: Everybody does their part or it don't work.
The governing body is matriarchal dictator most people fear and uses fear to govern.

HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I am TREE MAN, I'll kill myself before I let fear get the best of me.

And that is the history of the human race. I'll touch more on this subject later, right now I'm gonna go beat on a Fender.

I changed the words to Cowgirls in the Sky. Really, which you rather: old cowboy vs young cowgirl.

Actually I don't know which could be worse.
Well, you can take your " good clean honest living" add a few grand and you got yourself a trip to Disneyland.

Think about it this way:

If you are out there breaking your ass, sweaty, filthy, doing hard dangerous things... for a guy who just asked you to lower your price while he is inside making mad profits off the derivatives from the sale of your daughter's house... in his slippers... big fat tubby marshmellow of a guy...

Suddenly the GCHL paradigm is now uh, um, perverted (?).

That's what Mike is saying. I saw him say it on TV. There was difference in his demeanor, opposed to his funny jokes, and I saw he was seriously talking about this.

He said things about how you become a burden when you get out of college and have yet to still pay. He said maybe you should have just got a job doing something useful instead of spending all that time and money learning how to make video games or import cheap goods from subjugated countries to sell on the Home Shopping Network.

And that is who hired him to video all the unpleasant peasants in the horrid jobs that need done or this show don't go on. The TV networks, who will sell you anything they think you want or create a market from knowing you'll buy anything shiny.

He is actually talking communism and in its organic form, which only is defined by the people having control over production. Nothing about what kind of governing body, just who controls production.

Right now its the Mexicans because the whole concept of working is the most distasteful subject on the planet... besides ladders that is.

My horse farm is run on communism: Everybody does their part or it don't work.
The governing body is matriarchal dictator most people fear and uses fear to govern.

HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I am TREE MAN, I'll kill myself before I let fear get the best of me.

And that is the history of the human race. I'll touch more on this subject later, right now I'm gonna go beat on a Fender.

ok then,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:popcorn2:
One of those horse chicks gave my number to her cousin, he just called asking if I could "grip him some white".

I had to call someone to find out what that even meant. I guess that's what quaint little suburbanite *** boys call cocaine these days.

The chick is about 33, hot as all get out, sexy as hell, always going around half naked, built strong. I would have tried her but she had a herpe and The Dan don't do STD's.

I regret not telling her cousin to come over to get some coke then bashing him into a pulp then posting it on Facebook. He is one of those " wiggers", sure talks like one, like a bone thug that goes home to his mommy for breakfast, a change of underpants and some money. Like Jack Kerouac, what a pussy!
I criss crossed this country by myself with my thumb as a teenager more times than I can remember beyatch! Got way more pussy too! WAY MORE! Way more than you too, so don't go thinking I didn't, cause I did. People ask me what college I went to and I'm like, "Uh, all of them?" So I got that going for me.

I just called him a ****** punk and not to ever come around me then I called the chick and told her the same thing.

Still regret not telling him to come over. I could have used some easy prey about now. I'm feeling insulted and underestimated and that breeds disquiet in my noisey little head.

Jeff, I got my bikini packed and will see you Monday morning around seven oh three.

I always wondered were these cornfed pastey white kid's from the country and suburb's got the hardcore drugs. I never messed with them. They all go down to Kensington in Philly. I am from Philly, was a bike messenger, lived there for years, been all over, partied and screwed like crazy. I was in Kensington ONCE, to buy a used refrigerator. What kind of idiot gonna go down there to buy drugs? **** around an get kilt , a million chances on every block. I think its full of lumbersexuals, homosexuals, metrosexuals,confusedosexuals and drug dealers now. And sure, a lot of used appliance stores right under the EL. If anybody needs me to " grip them up some heroine" or anything just let me know.
Im working in Santa Barbara on a 500,000.00 dollar ranch over looking the Ocean. They don't do no real ranching. Its some bodys weekend retreat. Were removing all the dead and hazerdous oaks so when the owners come they'll be safe.
They had a army of people in full containment suits weed eatting all the poison oak. They've placed fire extinguisher every 50 ft. On the whole property. The whole thing is like overkill.
They have security people in blacked out suv's patrolling the property.
This place is like 1000 acres and were making it like a park. Brad pitt has his ranch a few miles away.
More like 10 million :p
Hahaha I'm on a plane tomorrow heading out your way bro!

Dude, I'll pick you up and we'll drive out together. I just have to " grip up a little white" and I'll head down, we'll drive straight through non-stop ( only for liquor and hookers) Are Kansas? Is that near Their Kansas? How many Kansases are there?
Dude, I'll pick you up and we'll drive out together. I just have to " grip up a little white" and I'll head down, we'll drive straight through non-stop ( only for liquor and hookers) Are Kansas? Is that near Their Kansas? How many Kansases are there?
No I meant literally I'm flying out there for a 6 week stint! CA will never be the same :p
Yu ever been in a big euc before Rope?

Lotsa east n midwest climbers've haired out on em!

Particularly when asked to prune em with no gaffs....

Yu ever been in a big euc before Rope?

Lotsa east n midwest climbers've haired out on em!

Particularly when asked to prune em with no gaffs....

No I've not, closest would be london plane I guess but no worries as my stint the only worries will be cougars and maybe gangs. If I were coming there to climb I'd bring my wraptor lol puts hair on my chest :muscle:
Lotsa dead oak's in Californy these days Rope, millions of em.

Friggin sudden oak death Phytopthera picks on the oldest most senior oak's first.

Just like a stinkin hyena!

Lotsa busy arboreal buzzards though!

Some flyin in from outta state!

Over 2 years dead's mighty iffy to do anything other than drop n run IME Rope!

Work safe mate.

Yu ever been in a big euc before Rope?

Lotsa east n midwest climbers've haired out on em!

Particularly when asked to prune em with no gaffs....


Good thing you showed up, talked me outta going. Funny you showing up right now cause big eucs do seem like a bit of work. I would have to set ropes all over before I climbed one even with spikes!

I do use gummy snow boots for extra traction and protection because you need all you can get with smooth bark... and hundreds of feet of it? YIKES!

No small laterals either it seems, just wide open space and you dangling in the middle of it.

Siccies ain't so bad. I tend to ride them like a skate boarder grinding down a railing... and I ain't even trying to!
Eucs ain't so bad Doc.

I love em long long time now!

Raised a family O three on em!

Big fuggin blue gums in the Bay Area mate. You'd have to go down under to find bigger.

Nothin but ole feeble pussycat climbers out here!

Eucs ain't so bad Doc.

I love em long long time now!

Raised a family O three on em!

Big fuggin blue gums in the Bay Area mate. You'd have to go down under to find bigger.

Nothin but ole feeble pussycat climbers out here!


I know, patience, diligence, step by step, it gets done.

Where is that bicycle you drive up the trees?

I don't think I can quit til I drive something up a tree.

Best so far is a rudimentary hook up to the mini to get pulled up. But you know, that's after all the ropes and pulleys have been set and rechecked and hashed about in proper time, sometimes the throwball gets tricky!

Once or twice I drove up and down the Art Museum steps but nothing up a tree as of yet.

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