What a shame!

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Hey Butch
You can pass on to that fella that he can PM me anytime and I would be glad to help if I can!:)
I think it is the fellas that are not new and ask stupid questions after they have been critical on other issues that have to worry!
If you are going to dish it you had better be able to take it!
I think most rookies are welcomed pretty good by the bullies of this site.
All too often we see something like: "I'm tired of all these newbies coming on and asking what size blade they should run on a certain saw."

Think about it. If we all the use of the internet 20 15-20 yrs. ago the search for answers would have made our learning a lot easier!

Newbies have to start somewhere. Some of the battle is getting their terminology down.
Originally posted by John Stewart
I think most rookies are welcomed pretty good by the bullies of this site.

I would like to see them exit this fine site. The bullies, that is.

Who needs em?
One that comes to mind for me is GICON.

It was pretty much dogpile on the wabbit for that kid.

Been working with him over the last few months teaching him alot about proper arboriculture, and he really is a great student.
Every ones had to start somewhere,we just have to keep remembering that.there is so many diffrent opinions on AS that things get taken the wrong way.its sad that people feel silly asking questions,i thought thats what AS is all about.But it seems to be a bragging i know more than you sort of thing,dang were cutting trees.We all need to sit back and stop acting like tree gods,and some need to stop pushing tree care to much,that in turn makes people not post for fear of looking bad,discuss yes,preach no.my .02
I'm glad that GICON turned out to be sincere and willing to learn. Look at the progression of that thread though-There was a sincere welcome ,an apparent failure to hear what was being said THEN accusations/insults started being made. :dizzy:
Originally posted by aussie_lopa
some need to stop pushing tree care to much,that in turn makes people not post for fear of looking bad,discuss yes,preach no.my .02
I'll admit to some lack of tact in responding here; never any intent to make others look bad. It's hard to keep in mind that many rely on removals for their livelihood and do not have the tools to sell much tree care.

THe fault's in the arb industry so slow to grow out of the forestry industry and you can't blame individuals for that. On the other hand, the title of the forums indicates that removal should not be anything but the last option for an arborist.

I'm sorry if I get too intense about it and it turns people away. Toning it down would be better sometimes. On the other hand if people start taking a second look at the decision to cut a tree for non-reasons like ants, and pick up new tree care tools along with new cutting tools, then maybe it's not a bad thing.

It's all good?
In the end Guy, it's still the customers' tree/property/decision.

Give them the options, let them choose.
Originally posted by netree
In the end Guy, it's still the customers' tree/property/decision.
Give them the options, let them choose.
Erik, I totally agree. the owner needs to be given all the options available, so an arborist needs to know all the options available. And if you don't know about them, you can't advise very well, can you?

I've sentenced lots of trees to death, that the owner may have wanted to keep, because I didn't know better. I still have lots to learn about reading clues in the tree, and strategies to respond to those clues. If the only 2 options given are "Cut it "Down" and "Wait and See", then the owner's blind and helpless unless they get competent advice.

And I don't want to steal any more trees from blind men.
Everything thats been said so far has been very honest and it gives yah that tingly feelin'. :) I've only made a few posts because I feel I have a lot more to learn then to teach. I feel like your all the big brothers and im the little brother peeking his head around the corner to see whats going on.

This is a great place for me to learn and I'll give everyone my undivided respect. I couldn't put a dollar sign on what I have learned here over the last year. Unbelievable.

Many thanks to everyone on here thats helped this young kid understand. I look forward to getting to know you guys.

When I first hit this group (still a bit of a newbie) and searched for treeclimbing information, I hit a thread where someone asked a similar (but totally wide open) question that seemed to create a bit of an uproar. At first, I was a touch reluctant to ask my question about the differences between tree climbing and rock climbing, but, having basically rhino hide, I decided the information was worth the potential irritation. Also, being a moderator in a fairly sizeable group, I know that it is impossible to make all of the people to behave all of the time.

The problem of anyone besides the moderators (or very experienced members) controlling the lose cannons is that it could quickly turn into a flame war and then anarchy rules and the questions are lost amid the personalities.

I think this group is good, perhaps a touch more rough than some, but definitely better than many.

Even when a list is ruled with a iron hand (like the one I am a moderator of), you will normally never get more than 10% posting on a regular basis. It is just the way things are I guess. But trust me, everything is being read a lot! There is tremendous information in these threads, it just takes serious effort to read it all.

Just my dos colones. (by the way, a colone is worth about 1/5 of a cent)
The funny thing is that bad answers often are as informative as good answers. In any industry, there is debate and disagreement between those who do it for a living. Human nature I guess. Because people disagree, you get a great amount of pros / cons which will help a person figure out that there probably is not just one way of doing anything.

Also, when the bad answers are rebutted, then someone who might have thought that doing it the way suggested, can learn that perhaps he / she has a lot more learning to do before they start swinging from the vines like Tarzan.

Anyway, it is pretty easy to figure out who are the experienced people, just look at their numbers of postings! The chronically clueless often do not last long - unless they are just masochistic of course.
Originally posted by murphy4trees
Roger all that everybody...
And what about all the bad ANSWERS!!!

"bad" is relative. Lots of different situations and knowledge levels here. A $30k stump grinder is "bad" for many small companies IMHO. A butterfly isn't the best choice for a guy that does mostly removals IMO. A common denomenator here is pride in craftmanship and thirst for knowledge. Bad answer = educational opportunity for someone...like me:D.

Diversity is good. Learned that living in a fraternity. The polo shirt BMW crowd only pledged guys based on chick getting ability. They flunked themselves off campus.
Well you gotta have balls to make it here, at least till you prove yourself. I rememeber having heated words with several people, one being Butch. Now we are good friends and talk (used to and getting back to it now) regularly on the phone.

However from what I understand, at least one person here wont give me the time of day. Apparently he doesnt think that I am for real, and will not respond to various attempts to talk to him. Oh well, I figured we would have something in common, he is only 4 years older than me.

Me and Nick talk regularly.
another shame,this whole area mountain range was felled and burnt with some of the worlds best hardwood going up in smoke(no equipment to retreive back then)very steep in parts.this is an indication of tree growth in the area.its :( its in my area,landslips are everywhere.