What are the tradeoffs with a modded saw

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when you guys send a saw to a builder such as DOZER DAN or EHP ..do you send them an old saw or do you get um to pp a new one which they purchase on your behalf??
mine (372xp) was'nt old but not exactlly new either. but i bought a 346xpg from him and let him do his stuff. the cost of the saw was cheaper than what i would have paid for it here and i did'nt have to pay shipping to get it to him.
It depends on how good the used saw is , if it is in good shape then why not port it, and yes I can get you a new saw and the bigger it is the better the deal i can get you, If the saw is cheaper in the states I can buy the saw there and get it brought up to me , but a used saw is not a problem you just to see how it works faster cause you donot have to wait for it to break-in, like this passed weekend I did a 6 month old 385, 2 - 346's that were 2 months old ,1- 372 that was almost new so it doesnot have to be new but i would like it to be in good shape
So does that mean you won't do the li'l red saw in this old post o' mine?: http://www.arboristsite.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4265&highlight=2171+Jonsered

"Let git him boys!!! Send in the Mounties, I say!!

First clue I had that trubble wuz brewin' was when the USPS gal rang the doorbell this mornin' with what was supposed to be a Greffardized 346XP, and a Walkerized 372XPG, from you know who. Anyhow, when I saw the Stihl boxes, and the barely holding on packaging tape, I got worried.

And just look at what I found inside.. A ruined 044, and a kinda spent Craftsman.... maybe these were sposed to go to Greff for the chain saw toss....

But does anybody know of gyro making honest mistakes?? Please speak up, before I get my blood pressure too high......Greff? got my saws??

And to top it off, I wuz in a hurry, so i gave him my debit card number to pay for these supposed beauties. Well, the bank just called and said someone tried to collect on $340,000. Good thing it was Cdn funds, my $1642.02 balance woulda covered it, but they stopped the payment. I love my bank...."

ok Roger are you telling it like it is ?
because if you are we can take care your problem very easy
Ha, Ed, that was two years ago, the two saws I won on ebay from gypo, still both going strong...of course!

So, are you "The Cooler"? Look out llamabert.
yes i seen that ,
Roger ,I know nothing see nothing and hear nothing but what do you want done
RBtree ask Gypo about the cleaning wench and what she told him, for some reason most people that see me think i am mean
no sure why, i guess it is the way i talk , calling as i see them
Gypoooooo i can hear Nblogger wife screaming from here when she opens up that email, how many pictures did you take , one with everysaw
you do know this is the wrong site for that kind of advertizing
Hi Ed, I have no idea where those pictures came from, but I suppose DB manipulated them so as to appear to be me. Wait till you see what he did with my business brochure, It's quite a work of art. I think it can be found if you do a search of " Lambert Logging".
john i dont know enuff about whats going on to,say much about it.
but this boys a real piece of work..
its my guess from wattching u post ,that u mean buisiness..had a fella that dont like me ,pick this time to start trouble with me sat..the only time in my life i ever went to my knife..thank god ,
some others stepped in or id of gutted him or got shot trying..i thot about it after igot home,and either way ida lost..
either from doing time or being dead..
still the debt this coward owes is got to be paid ,an i aint gonna be cripple for ever..
u seem to be similar so dont get u self killed an dont go to jail..this fella seems to me to be a lost cause ..mabe it be better ,for u families sake ,if we just wrote him off as bad buisiness..this just my thots from what i know o the situation..if they way off base ,like i said i dont know as much as some do about this issue..
RBTree you got that right , Tony did you take to many pain killers this morning
this was meant for fun , nothing more nothing less
Hi Tony, everything is cool. Doug and I don't have any quarrel whatsoever.
It's all just joking around stuff. Doug just likes to infiltrate, disrupt and destroy.
Huh, just when I thought his popularity level was rising, look what happens. lol
Doug just says, " mission accomplished".
Criminy! I don't even post and I disturb things. This is just great. Tony, I only speak a few languages so I don't know exactly what you're talking about. No matter. Here's the thread you're looking for. Oh yeah...Lambert sucks.Lambert Logging
See, here's a perfect example of what Doug is really like.
I bail him out and save his life and look what I get!
Tony, go get him. Check out the irrate call I got from DB first though.
ya Gypo some friend you are , I go down to help you fix your skidder and i get back just after 10 o'clock, i have been shot a couple times , knifed and kicked a couple times and i had nothing to do with it, so if you want to keep your job as a body guard you better straighten up
yall please excuse ... i thot u was talkin about another fella..aint the first ,aint the last.. i reserve the riite to make mistakes..good thing to .:) by the way
doug i didnt know it was about u.. sorry..

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