Rep slapper
Have any more pictures of that? Looks great, I always enjoy a nice timberframe.
While I don't care for the term cabin, since it refers to derogatory historical references, I know many people call houses/homes a cabin if they are rustic.
My friend built this saloon last year which has a timber floor. He sold it cheap, around $10k-$12k with the siding. I notice your milling your siding at 1.25", seems a bit thick to me. I plan to use board/batten on some of my inside walls, but will do 5/8" thick for that, so it's easier to work with. Since you will need some type of insulation in the wall, you could probably get away with thinner stock also, but would be a lot of waste using a chainsaw mill.
Anyway, your project reminded me of this saloon...(and yes, he did mill this timber
100% white pine, BW!