Doctor Freakinstein
manual said:My bad deleated the wrong paragraph.
This is the one I ment to talk about. 4mm on each seems to be alot.
But as he said he is not that brave.
never talked about how he was taking measurements.
Quote from Red:
The intake and exauhst ports it is hard to tell I did do more than polish them. I found I could remove 3-4mm from the sides, about .120". I am not that brave, I took about .030" from each. I also could have raised the exauhst port and lowered the intake port 1mm, .040" I moved them around .010", very little!!!
The reasons I went this way, is the reaserch I have done shows move the ports up and down, you gain RPM, open them up side to side, more tourqe. I need tourqe from this saw, it has penty of RPM, but not the balls I wanted from it. Removing the base gasket upped the compression gaing a hair more HP as well.
Hey that's cool.
Yup 4mm on that saw does seem a little extreme....