What is your favorite tree or trees ?

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I like a big copper beech. I climb in shorts most of the year and the knees don t get tore up so much. I am just in awe of their beauty as a mature tree.
FAT KING; LEAN BEGGAR - I think they are both amazing

Ha ha! Apt descriptions of Oaks and Trees-of-heaven, Adam.

Gotta say it's between a Sugar Maple and the Burr Oak for me. Though the American Beech is a very close third (or second).
how you recognized them, Chucky? Oak I can understand, touring private golf courses is quite common among tree climbers, we have to spend all that money we make one way or another, but what you were doing in the hoods where Ailanthus thrive? Don't answere, it was a rethoric question.
Cedrus libani and american elm - majestic, beech - fun to climb, redbud - cute

Trees of haeven and manitoba maples... what I would do without them? Watch gingko grow, sitting on the sidewalk with my hardhat upside down, whispering "spare change for unemployed arborist..."
oaks kick ass, but so do huge ass redwoods and the spruce/fir forest is pretty cool. cant say i have a favorite...

but i can say i hate beach, and most invasive exotics...
sourwood looks great - is it common ornamental tree in your area?
Apsen becuse In fall t they make beautiful photos of the Rockies

Oak Maple Cedar and Hickory malpe in the Easy oak becuse it is usualy easy a to fall and the grain for how it looks after a good carpenterr is done with it . MY PC desk is made from a red oak I droped a few years ago .

Maple the fall foliaige brings in much ned toursit $$$ to NH and Hickory same as oak another piece of made for my folks . out of it .
Ceade it smmells good and ois a nice barrier ttoi keep out nosy neighbors :biggrinbounce2:
I like almost al of them for one reason or another
aspens...almost forgot how beautiful they are, add some white spruce for contrast, Rockies in the backgroud, bison herd on the ground...good old days in Alberta. red oak desktop, eh?

I like all hardwoods but am really fond of the paw paw,
the banana it produces is very tasty. I'm also fond of the American
chestnut though almost extinct. Kentucky coffee tree is cool too
and I like all trees especially dogwood when flowering i'm turkey
hunting :laugh:
paw paw

What a great tree . A lot of people dont know that they are native to my area (ohio).The tree has great foliage ,cool flowers ,and great tasting fruit . You cant say that about too many trees.
It's clear to me my favorite trees are every tree mentioned in this tread. What a great profession we are blessed with. I love them all.
Hey homeowners

this would a great thread for homeowners to help pick out there next tree to plant .I would suggest all of the tree that people have said are there favorites except the tree of heaven I think it is consider a pest in Ohio . A few of these trees such as paw paw Asimina triloba and the eastern redbud Cercis canadensis are really good understory trees ,that would do good on a woods edge .Cercis chinensis is pretty cool smaller redbud that is supposed to only hardy to zone 6 but I have had good luck at zone 5.