Before you decide whether to replace or not, you need a definite decision on the root and branch issues. Can you post pictures of those two areas, so we know what we are talking about? Maybe we'll see why Cambistat was recommended--did one of the companies have a name like the thing that Dorothy went over on her way to Oz?
btw, the next person who calls tuliptrees "brittle" will get a branch (which I'll have to prune off with a saw because the 50 mph wind out there right now only breaks teeny twigs off of it)put where the sun don't shine. I have a 80' specimen 10' from my window and it is just fine, thank you. They don't grow so well in MN tho.
btw, the next person who calls tuliptrees "brittle" will get a branch (which I'll have to prune off with a saw because the 50 mph wind out there right now only breaks teeny twigs off of it)put where the sun don't shine. I have a 80' specimen 10' from my window and it is just fine, thank you. They don't grow so well in MN tho.