Reminds me of my youth, except the trucks were 15 years older and the winch (made from a car axle) was usually mounted on the front of the rack.
Think ya all are over thinkin this.
Its a name it happens to cover a bunch of individual job descriptions.
I fall timber but i wouldn't compare myself to modern fallers that call themselves cutters here or fellers elsewhere
I run a skidder, but i'm not a skidder op
I play with an excavator, i wouldn't call myself an opperator.
I can drive a cat/dozer, but i'm not a cat skinner
I can probably run a log loader too (only messed with one once...) but still not an operator....
All these things are part of logging, hence logger... though really i'm just a gyppo with a bunch of grand ideas.
View attachment 565923 Anyone who has made at least one cut with a saw and has a p/u truck is a logger. Lol
I think you are a logger at heart if the woods are your one true love and you think of yourself as playing a role in guiding a forests growth.
she doesn't look like the type at all, for gold and wouldn't be spreading some gas now,, would yah????View attachment 568221 So, getting back to the girl, she's all about diamonds and gold, and I'm just cutting lowgrade up here in the Acrtic Circle.
I'll try to do my best to see that it works. There is no fool like an old fool.
I think alot of girls like us simplistic white guys, and you can't really blame them.
I kinda realized recently my one true love is the woods. I miss my Forestry School days and being a part of nurturing something bigger. Most guys seemed o feel the same way, but couldn't put it to words. Thing about the woods is, they may not love you back, but they sure wont nag you about seeing other trees socially.This is it! Well put.
I'm now retired; but back when I was working [40 years falling] we had fallers, loggers, and truckers. Loggers moved the wood from the brush to the truck. We usually had a 2 million foot lead so very seldom saw a logger. Sometimes the hook would come around and mark tailholts and guyline trees. It takes everybody to get the logs out but I would never call a faller a logger.Like the tittle says ,what makes someone a logger ?
I'm now retired; but back when I was working [40 years falling] we had fallers, loggers, and truckers. Loggers moved the wood from the brush to the truck. We usually had a 2 million foot lead so very seldom saw a logger. Sometimes the hook would come around and mark tailholts and guyline trees. It takes everybody to get the logs out but I would never call a faller a logger.
I think you are a logger at heart if the woods are your one true love and you think of yourself as playing a role in guiding a forests growth.
Where I am, foresters and loggers often have some cross over. You have to know silviculture to be a certified logger and you have to know how to run a saw to be taken seriously as a forester.I'm thinking that "Forester" is more appropriate for that definition. Or even maybe "Environmentalist" would also fit that as someone who loves the woods and would lobby to see their growth protected by shutting down logging?
Fits the definition doesn't it?
View attachment 568221 So, getting back to the girl, she's all about diamonds and gold, and I'm just cutting lowgrade up here in the Acrtic Circle.
I'll try to do my best to see that it works. There is no fool like an old fool.
I think alot of girls like us simplistic white guys, and you can't really blame them.
Lol, that is Squirrely Shirley, my next door neighbor. Shirley could grow anything. These kind of wood customers are important to have.Girl? She looks old enough to be my Mom!