Tree Freak
I have a hard time growing a lawn, though somehow grass grows in my paved driveway and in the bed of my truck!
looks like she could give uuu a run for your money.....and backhand uuu, if you got out of line......Lol, that is Squirrely Shirley, my next door neighbor. Shirley could grow anything. These kind of wood customers are important to have.
What I like about Shirley, is that she is a character , sorta like for the same reason I like Slowpe.
Hey we all have to have something to call home, trust me I back to living a trailer but we do what we have to.Lawns are a stupid waste of resources. I'm not a fan. That said, I have one. I'm a lowly renter.
Good thing Shirley didn't know how famous I was. Lol.looks like she could give uuu a run for your money.....and backhand uuu, if you got out of line......![]()
What you say??!!. Lol, I'm just gonna catch the last bus heaven.Its got to be a regional thing. Everyone I know and I mean everyone from upper class down to the lowest of the low drops f bombs on a pretty regular basis. Just in general conversation from ritzy housewives to general laboring types. Not in front of the kids of course. That's really hillbilly stuff. I don't start conversations with f this and f that but if they drop one I know I'm in good company. I know a few guys who don't swear and I kind of look at em sideways. Here it's just kind of a part of life. I expressed this same sentiment on the other site and all I got was it's a shame where our country is headed and I must be a hypocrite because I go to church every Sunday but swear in between. Yeah ok. Full of **** I say. Ride that high horse you sonsabitches!
And that pretty much takes us back to subject. Its all in how we preceive things as to where we are from or what we do. If I talk about 'the face' "Opening up the face" "bringing up the face" "splitting the face" "gouging the face" ect. I'm talking about a falling face. If I say 'cutting my face' most people on here would think I'm talking about an under cut. Some people would actually think I cut my face. Say face to your gf and she will thing she's getting some. Most people don't read between the lines and say its the same **** but its actually the same Shît different pile.Its got to be a regional thing.