What oil ratio do YOU run?

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ArboristSite Member
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
On the new Stihls, they recommend 50:1 which seems pretty lean. Do any of you guys go richer, and if so, do you see better engine wear?

I run the recommended 50:1, but take the time to rinse the oil bottles with gas. Probably picking fly poop out of pepper, but I'd think that some waste is expected (oil left in the bottle) and accounted for - thus I may be running a RCH richer, say 50.2:1 or so. :D
We recommend 50 - 1 ratio. Ever since we changed from 40 - 1 their has been far less problems. BUT use quality oil ie. Dolmar, Stihl, Husky etc. the richer the mix the hotter the saw runs.
I've been running 40-1 for the last several years. I've had saws run hot on me in the past running 50-1, and there is just no margin for error due to variances in how full the bottle of oil may be or spillage when pumping gas. I use the bottles labeled for 5 gallons of mix and use 4 gallons of gas. Plenty of room in the can to mix it thoroughly and then I pour it into a 1 gallon can to carry on the truck. The mix oil is about half the cost of using the tiny bottles labeled for 1 gallon at a time.
jp hallman said:
Ya', Let's not go through this one again! (50:1 here)

yes, let's not (50:1 here again). However, it might make an interesting poll, so long as we just vote our mix, not our lengthy opinions....
Not trying to start a war, just wanted to see what people thought? And before I'm told to use the search button, I figured the more time that has past, the more time people have on their new saws, making for a better analysis.

Ginger? Or, Maryann?:D