What type of firewood do you cut??

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I cut only one kind of wood here in NH......... FREE !!!!

+1 ... I only cut free wood to :blob2: So far 90% Radiata Pine ... but have also scored a little Blue Gum and Macrocarpa (a native confer). Did chop out some old fruit trees which burnt real well ... and a big old fig tree that smelted like cat pee when it was burnt :bang:

When i get the truck loads my guy hand picks loads for me..olny becasue i buy may trucks a year and i re sell it so id say 70 plus % oak ( red,pin,white ) and all other mixed hardwoods.
I am cutting up some nice hard and soft maple right now. Good, dry maple is also the preferred firewood in my area.

Some other species I use are cherry and ash (always been an ash man myself:jester: sorry) and some basswood, though buyers get funny if you mix in too much basswood.

And if I find a popple (aspen) or conifer down and easy to get, I may throw it in our own fire pit, but if I try to sell it to people as firewood they won't be my customers very long.

Computeruser-sorry to hear about how hard the EAB is hitting you guys over there. I remember how sad it was when Dutch Elm hit us hard over here, it's really a rarity to see an elm tree in my neck of the woods. DNR won't let us move any firewood more than 50 miles right now because of EAB, but I know it's only a matter of time before it hits Wisconsin hard.
Some locust,ash and a lot of dead elm. Wont mess with the elm unless its beed dead for quite a while and splits as soon as the wedge hits it.
Mostly red and white oak, basswood,boxelder,maple,birch,popple,and a little bit of locust. Try to work out deals with farmers to clean up pastures. I get a few big old trees that way.
I cut a lot of red pine, birch and I use cedar for kindling. I prefer burning hardwood but I leave them be as they are getting rare in my area and most are small in diameter average is maybe 5-6 inches but the red pine and white pine and spruce are everywhere some red pine are very large average is maybe 24" diameter and we also have a lot of birch, poplar and willow. I do burn driftwood as well when I have the time and energy to get a boatload and it burns very well.
This vicinity of my county I cut from most to least (mostly for sale ) Black oak ( which most people around here call and sell it as red oak ),pin oak, cherry,white oak,river birch,sassafras,mulberry,black locust,silver and red maple,black gum,hickory,walnut. My dad has about 100 acres of woods I cut dead and do timberstand improvement some. Also cut some cherry off ditch banks.Could cut a lot more silver maple and other softer woods but firewood buyers don't want to much of them. Usually pass on bushy mulberrys and a lot of ditchbank pin oak, just takes to long to make the firewood to see some profit.
Mostly red and white oak, basswood,boxelder,maple,birch,popple,and a little bit of locust. Try to work out deals with farmers to clean up pastures. I get a few big old trees that way.

Hickory, cherry, elms, ashes, tree lines in between the fields for me.

The farmers let me toss the tops in the field and they come by in the spring and push it into a pile and burn it. They are happy to leave the saw work for someone else.
Wow. How do I get on that delivery list???

I usually just catch them out working, but I also network with landscapers and tree people. Sharpen chains, fix saws, fix other stuff and they gladly recprocate and bring you a truck full when their in the area.

Saves them from having to go to the dump and pay to get rid of it.

You do have to be carefull and clear in telling them what you want or youll wind up with stuff you cant use. And you also have to deal with the unexpected Boo Boo. A guy this summer gave me two trucks of Locust 1'-1.5' dia logs 20' long with about 15 sticks in each truck.

The only problem was he killed a small Oak in my yard by accident when the logs shot out of the truck. :(

I couldnt even mention it to him though, he gave me $400 worth of wood, I can allways plant a new tree.

I mainly cut ash. There is a ton of it around here standing dead, so that is what I focus on. Can't see cutting down a live oak when there are 10 dead ash trees around it. I do get tree companies to drop off oak, maple, hickory and cherry. This winter I will go cut a couple of pig-nose hickory to add to the pile.
don't cut any trees down myself. this is my first year doing my own firewood. have soft maple, red oak, chinkapin oak, black locust, hemlock, silver maple, dogwood, ash, norway maple. can get as much as i could want from the town, but the town employees seem to cherry pick the good stuff. we had a microburst hit earlier this year. got the red and chinkapin oak from a friend who lost the 2 trees. tried to get a large white oak that fell in town, but one of the workers got it. town nearby had 27 large oak and ash trees down. going to call a tree service or two to get on their lists. spoke to one who was doing work nearby, and said if i only wanted oak, that's what they would bring (that would be very nice). costs them $ to get rid of it, so they are happy to give it away.

I cut mostly hackberry because it is so much growing around here and I cut alot of black locust , oak , hickory,box elder , cherry ,lots of walnut and ash . I have a guy that clears land and he calls me to come pick up the logs after he grinds the limbs off ( sweeeeeet ! )
This is my first year cutting but it has been a good learing experience . I bought me a new stil saw and a used log splitter form home depot . I might have around 15- 20 cords. I have been selling it like crazy too .
I use to stack it in rows but since I seen how you big guys do it I just lay old pallets on the ground and throw the wood on top. I wish I would have piled it up to begin with but oh well !

I thank you guys for all the advice .

Not sure if anyone is from NH in here, but my buddy who lives in woodsville told me today they were getting $240+ a full cord for farrrrrwood. Here I'm getting $65 face/cord or $150 full/cord... Not sure about everyone else but was wondering that also... :cheers: :popcorn:
I'm in NH, and i see ads in the larger cities, Manchester and south, advertising seasoned firewood @ 265/cord. Up my way (lakes region), the average is $200-225.
Not sure if anyone is from NH in here, but my buddy who lives in woodsville told me today they were getting $240+ a full cord for farrrrrwood. Here I'm getting $65 face/cord or $150 full/cord... Not sure about everyone else but was wondering that also... :cheers: :popcorn:

I get $60 per rick delivered and $150 per cord delivered. Mixed hardwoods like white ash, sugar maple, cherry, hornbeam, locust, walnut and hackberry.

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