If ya clap your hands and startle a possum, quite often they will play dead long enough to be handled a bit.
Lets just say that a certain Govt. beaurocrat ******* co-worker, is still wondering how it came to be that 3 Possums ended up in his BMW.That one stirred all manner of investigations....but it seemed to be the proper thing to do at the time....oops! He didn't like folks farting in his cube as they passed either. Strange fella.
A certain Navy Captain and Commanding officer of a itty bitty litle island I was stationed on, had an annoying habit of using the term "Boloney" when making unpopular proclomations. He was NOT liked for his lack of integrity, and complete lack of a Military presence is not an endearing trait to Marines.
The dork got drunk as hell and managed to pass out between the O club and his billet one fair Friday night, where he was discovered by one of our own Marine officers.
The matter was phoned into us as a "Concern" for the good Captains safety, so he was quickly dressed in a Gals party dress borrowed from a Royal Navy officer(Never ask a brit sailor why they have womens clothes handy...) and loaded into his Staff car along with several packages of Bologna slices.
In addition the Car was covered with several dozen slices of Bologna, and all the mustard one could squeeze out of a box of packets.
The Staff Car was parked next to Island HQ and within several yards of the flag pole. Lets just say Sat. Morning all hands Mast was interesting,and the LAST ordered by that #######.
Stay safe!
LMAO at the wind testing!!!!!!!! I will tell one. It was pulled on me first then by me on several others. Wait until a climber is about ten feet from the ground ( while hanging from a rope) . They need to be out from the tree a little so they wont hit anything as you spin them. You take the rope and hook thier feet and pull, you have to time it right so you catch thier feet with each revolution. You have never ridden a carnival ride like this I promise. You or whoever is spinning will be laying flat out with all the blood to the head. I was sick for the rest of the day.
take the chain off a saw on the sly, walk up behind someone, rev it up and run the bar up their crotch. (from behind):hmm3grin2orange:
then be prepared to start swinging.
m-80 under the bar stool um not hollowed outThe one time I hollowed out an m80 and soaked it in water then shoved it under the bathroom door. I didn't hear the scampering I had expected to hear from in there so I open the door. The guy was sitting on the pot with his fingers in his ears. Wish i had a camera back then.
After that I switch to bottle rockets, they did the trick.
now on a side note for some fun:
Take one of those dome shaped Weber grill lids and toss a m80 under it real quick on the pavemet.
Do that working for my and you would be unemployed. Do that to me and I will take you to jail for assault! If the cops don't act on it, I would guarantee that someone would be sporting some injuries to document the fight. That sounds pretty dangerous, and I would be exceedingly cranky afterwards.
It does sound like a pretty funny prank to pull though. Just not funny at all to be the victim of, and not safe in the workplace. This definitely qualifies for a very high status in this "worst prank" thread.
It's got nothing to do with me having no sense of humor. I pay the worker's comp bills, and that sounds like an excellent way to bash somebody's head on a tree. Besides, the climber MUST be able to trust the groundmen, at least to not do something mean and dangerous on purpose.
I have a low tolerance on the job for stupid pranks that might hurt somebody. Off the job...that's another story.